Chapter 8 - BAD NEWS

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Ares Young

"What is wrong with you? You're acting like an asshole today." I ignored Mason's remarks as I sat down on the chair in the VIP room.

He's not wrong, and I was acting like an asshole. I've been bitching about going to the Tech Expo and criticizing everything. I kept protesting about all the shitty things that people decided to make.

As the head of the engineering technologist at Bloodhounds, everything sucks. Too bad we can't display anything for the world to see because we've been working with the government and the underground world for our tech.

How can Mason and Kayden find this interesting when it's fucking suck comparing what we have?

I decided to get it to get coffee. Staying in one room with Mason would only end up bad. I was about to get out when I saw Ariana. She was talking to someone, and she looked so happy. She even clapped her hands like a seal, and they traded their business cards in the process, too.

"Call me." She gestured a call sign and walked away. She froze when she saw me.

"Why is it so hard to reach out to you?" She put her hands on her waist, judging me with her annoyed look.

"And why do I have to answer you all the time?" I walked past her, and she followed me.

"Because I need you."

"No, you don't need me. You just want me to save your ass, which always caused fucking trouble." I hissed, and her phone rang. She took it out, and Kaleb's name appeared on the screen.

"Just give him one billion and be done with him. Don't get involved with the Ravens." I was going to walk away, but she stopped me by my arm.

"We have to return to Beijing by the end of the month. It's grandma's birthday, remember?" It's been two decades since I returned to China to see my family.



"Why bother asking me to go with you when you know my answer will be no?"

"It's been two decades, Ares. I understand why you-" Her phone rang again, the same man who had been calling her since earlier. She pressed the red button and put her phone inside her bag.

"I'm getting out of here."

"Wait! Let's talk!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.

"Ariana, I don't have fucking time to talk about our family. How many times should I-"

"Baba (Dad in Chinese) is very sick."

"Do you think I'll buy that? He used that shit for years." Ariana took her phone out and showed me my dad's medical record. It's all Mandarin, and I sighed before reading it. Jesus Christ, it's been two decades since I fucking read Mandarin.

Lung Cancer.

"The doctors predicted that he will die soon. Maybe by the end of the year." Ariana's voice changed. I knew she was crying without looking at her.

"I'm going back to Beijing in two days, and I'm planning to move back there for a while." That's when I know she's not lying.

"How long?"

"I'm planning to stay there for six months or so. I want to be by his side, and I hope you can come home too." Ariana has been the golden child in my family. Everyone loved her when I was the one who everyone hated.

"How about the company?"

"Don't worry, I got everything handled."

"By Kaleb?"

"No." She shook her head, "Did I mention that I'm getting married too?"

"What? What happened to not wanting to get married?" I'm so confused.

"Baba's last wish, Ares. I'm going to fulfill it, no matter what." I can't believe this woman. She's such a doting daughter, isn't she?

"To whom?"

"Fred Chen." Fred is certainly not bad. Our families have been friends since I was a baby. Fred is intelligent and well-mannered, so Dad's choice wasn't that bad, "I'll get married in a month, and I hope you can come."

"I'll just send a congratulations money." She rolled her eyes.

"I want you to come, Ares."

"Are you okay with marrying Fred? I thought you never wanted to get married." I asked as I gave her phone back.

"I know I'll be fine. Fred has loved me forever, so I know I'll be in good hands." She smiled with a hint of pain.

"I'll help you run away if you want." She smacked my arm and planned to hit me on the head.

"Fred will move to New York with me, and he will open his company there." I nodded, and she let out a long sigh.

"How about Kaleb? Does he know?" I asked, and she looked at me like I was a fucking failure.

"Why would Kaleb be on this topic?" I raised my eyebrows, wanting her to answer. "He doesn't know, and besides, he's going to be in Italy when I left for Beijing. He knew Baba was sick, so... that's about it."


"What do you mean 'and'?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Have you paid your debt?"


"Well, good luck with your marriage. I'm waiting for you to regret your fucking decisions."

"Fuck you, Ares." I patted her shoulder and walked back inside. Ariana was behind me, following me. Suddenly, Arianna gasped, making me turn around.


"We need to fix the habit of you not answering the fucking call, Little Crimson."

"I was talking with Ares." Ariana glared at him.

"I don't fucking care who you are with. If you don't fix it, I'll fucking tie you to my bed." She turned to me. His eyes met mine, and Ariana tried to push him away.


"Cesborn." I gave him a nod and decided to walk away.

My phone vibrated.

Katia: We have a problem, sir.
Katia: She's going into the Red Rose club.
Ares: Take her back to her apartment and make sure she never gets out until I return.
Katia: Yes, sir.

I called Tim to prepare the jet because I'm returning to Seattle now. I'll think of ways to punish her once I get back.

Ares: You should pray for your life, wildcat.

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