Chapter 16 - SUICIDE

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Ares Young

"So you were saying you knew he was coming after you?" Clyde rolled his eyes as he leaned his body to the wall.

"Yes." I wanted to throw something at him. He's been asking me stupid questions after I told him everything that happened.

Now, I'm lying on the hospital bed in the headquarters after being treated for my injury. My left shoulder was almost dislocated because of the impact, and my back hurt. The doctors said I'll get big bruises tomorrow, and my whole body will feel sore.

"Why do you still go after Leila when you know her brother is fucking Luke Morrow?" Clyde helped me by grabbing my water bottle from the side table.

"Why not?"

"You find it fun?"

"Yes, Nielsen."

"You're just trying to piss Luke off, right?" Good question.

"No." The door was kicked open by none other than Kayden. He walked in and was followed by Mason.

"I thought you're dead. I wore my best suit for your funeral." Mason joked as he looked at me from head to toe. I gave him a middle finger as I sipped my water.

"You need to stop the temporary obsession with her sister, find someone else to screw around," Kayden said as he stood beside Clyde.

"And what makes you think I'll listen?"

"Because we're not in the mood to have beef with The Ravens." I almost punched his face for it. Kayden was a member of The Ravens, and he knew nearly all the members in a heartbeat. He warned me not to have beef with The Ravens means Asher is currently busy, so he doesn't have fucking time to clean our shit.

Boring Asher.

"Then I'll set my temporary obsession from Leila to Luna and Tatiana." Clyde opened her eyes after hearing his girlfriend's name, and Kayden was already glaring at me, "Why? You both afraid that they'll choose me over you two?"

"You're an idiot, Young." Mason hissed.

"Says the person who's currently obsessed with a certain singer and decides to have a part-time job as a bodyguard when you're a fucking billionaire running a multi-billion dollar business?" I leaned my head back, and Mason looked unbothered with my words. He sat on the sofa.

"We'll get going then. Have a fast recovery, Young," Clyde said, and he walked out first, followed by Kayden. They left me with Mason alone.

Someone knocked on the door, and Tim walked in with my new phone. I groaned in pain when I tried to reach the phone from his hand.

I checked to see if Leila called or not. She only made one missed call, but it successfully made me smile.

"Why are you still here?" I tried to turn to Mason, but the back of my neck hurt so much.

"I'm buying the West Records shares from you." I didn't give a fuck about the back of my neck hurting, and I turned to Mason like he had just created a new word with his mouth, "Correction, I'm buying the fucking company, so you better give up your fucking shares."

"You already bought the rest and begging that fifteen percent from me?" I pretended to be hurt.

"Yes, fucker." He knew I was intrigued by this. I bought those shares around three years ago, and I never thought one day I'd have Mason wanting me to hand them over. I should have bought more if I knew this day would come.

"And you think I'll hand it to you that easily?"

"If you try to make it difficult, I'll play your game, Young." He got up from the sofa, putting his hands into his pocket. I glared at him.

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