Chapter 18 - SNAPPED

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Ares Young

"Why are we here?" Leila looked so confused when Tim stopped the car in front of a mansion. I got out of the car with so much pain all over my body.

"We're moving in here. The movers are currently taking care of all the things in our penthouse and will bring it here in a few hours." Tim noticed I was struggling to walk, so he put my arm around his shoulder to support my body.

"Why? I thought-"

"You said you're uncomfortable with being in the penthouse, so..." Leila looked at me speechless.

"Ares, are you nuts? You bought a house just because I said I was uncomfortable?" I nodded.

"You realized we met less than two weeks ago, right?" When Tim nodded his head for me, I wanted to push him away.

"And?" I asked, and she looked so confused. I decided to walk to her and gestured for Tim to go.

"What is it?" I asked as I raised her chin, making her look at me. I don't think she's confused because I just bought a house.

"Can you just give me my job back? I want to return to my apartment, and can you please leave me alone?" She's blabbering it so fast, but her eyes are filled with tears. She almost cried in front of Luke earlier, but she stopped when anger took over.

"You need to stop ruining my life. Everything went wrong because of you!" She screamed in front of my face and started crying. "You ruined my life!" She started punching my chest, completely forgetting that I was in so much pain already.

"I want my job back! I want my life back!" She screamed so hard that my ear rang. I grabbed both of her shoulders, making her look at me.

"Leila," I called her name, but she kept crying and avoiding my eyes. I picked her up on my right shoulder, ignoring all my pain. I brought her into the house and put her on the sofa. She didn't even bother to look around, and her eyes were set on me.

"I'll do anything for you to let me go... for you to stop bothering me..." She stood in front of me, looking at me with teary eyes.

I guess this is why I was intrigued by her.

She gave me so many emotions and unpredictable moves. She always left me wondering and guessing. It's like solving something that can't be solved, and I hate that feeling when I can't solve shit.

"You want me to kneel and beg? Fine." When she was about to kneel, I stopped her by grabbing onto her wrist.

"Let me go!" She tried to pull her wrist away, but I tightened my grip. She screamed again, and I decided to let her go. She kneeled and looked up at me.

"Please, Ares, let me go, and don't bother me again. I'm so sorry for what I did, and I should not have humiliated you in front of everyone. I promise I'll never appear in front of you again." I'm usually a man of my own words, but for the first time in my life, I'm taking my words back.

She was fine earlier when we were with Luke, but suddenly, after we arrived here, she went crazy. Now, she's kneeling and begging for freedom. Which I would have given her if she did it when I told her to.

"Please give me and my friends our jobs back. I promise we will never see each other again. I swear with all my heart, please..." I squatted before her, and she kept crying like a baby.

"I'm not done with you yet. You still caught my attention, so I'll let you go when I'm bored." My words were as cold as the North Pole. She was desperate for freedom, but she couldn't undo what she did.

"You've got what you wanted. We had sex already. What else do you want from me?" I lifted her chin, making her look straight at me. The urge to choke her for saying that was big, but I held my anger back.

"Do you think I would buy a fucking house for someone that I only wanted to have sex with?" My hand went down to her neck, feeling her pulse on my thumb, "Do you want me to lock you like your brother locked Kimberly? Because I'm tempted to use the same method on you." She shook her head slowly, and her grey eyes slowly looked empty.

The Morrow siblings sure shared something that made their eyes look empty. They looked like a living corpse with those eyes. The difference between Luke and Leila is that Luke has mastered controlling it, even though sometimes he slips on showing it. As for Leila, she wasn't able to control it.

"Ares, please forgive me." She begged again.

"Say that again, and I'm locking you in a fucking dungeon. I'll give credit to your brother as an inspiration, too." I said as I released my hand from her neck. She calmed down a little, and she wiped her tears off her cheeks. I grabbed both of her hands, pulling her up.

Her eyes stared at the floor blankly.

"What made you snap earlier?"

"What?" She asked without looking at me.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, wildcat." She looked up at me slowly, "We were fine earlier. After you saw the house, you freaked out and started going crazy. You don't like the house? Should we go around the neighborhood and find which one you like the most?" I asked, and she looked so confused.

"Fuck it. I'm buying the fucking neighborhood, then you can choose."

The reason I bought this house is because it's far from the main street. It's actually in a gated community, so there won't be sounds that will trigger her. I still remember when I found her in a bathroom, having panic attacks. She was sitting in the corner of the room, covering her ears. She even turned all the water to prevent her from hearing the sound that triggered her.

I grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to the second floor. We walked to the west wing, and I opened the first door in the hallway. When she saw what was inside, she turned to me, and her grey eyes slowly came back to life.

"What? Why?" When I was in her apartment, I noticed she had a big shelf full of cameras and lenses. She also has a table with a computer that I assumed for her to edit all her photos. I got her a big shelf for her cameras and lenses. I am filled with the newest camera and lens models. I added a table, a chair, and a new set of computers for her to edit.

It's like her own little cave.

I also got her many tripods to help her take photos better.

"You bought all of this?" She asked as she looked around. She gasped when she saw the newest camera on display, "How? It won't be out until next month!" She turned to me, and I nodded.

"Might have threatened to kill the CEO for it, but it's worth it."

"That's so mean." Her attention went back to the cameras.

"Do you want your job back?" I asked, and she turned to me like she couldn't believe her ears.


"I'll give your job back if you tell me what the fuck happened earlier?"

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