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Freen's heart pounded as she saw Becky approaching her garden. She hadn't seen her ex-wife in so long, and now Becky was standing before her, visibly pregnant and wearing a vulnerable expression on her face.

She didn't even have the time to react because the girl ran to her fast, giving her the tightest hug while crying on her shoulder.

Minutes after, Becky was the one who pushed them apart, trying to fix her composure. She can't let her emotions take over, they have a lot to talk about.

"Freen," Becky began, her voice quivering, "we need to talk."

Freen couldn't hide her shock. "Becky, what are you doing here? And... are you... I mean, you're... pregnant?"

Becky nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes, Freen. I'm pregnant, and I needed to find you, to talk to you."

Freen felt a whirlwind of emotions. Memories of their tumultuous marriage flooded back, along with the hurtful words and actions that had driven them apart. She had spent months trying to move on and heal from that painful chapter of her life, and now it was all crashing back in front of her.

Becky continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "Freen, I've spent so many nights regretting all the things I said and did to you. I've been longing for you, missing you, and realizing how wrong I was. I also realized how much I love during you're absence. In have loved you for so long. I just too dumb to admit it to myself. And even when you left, I never stopped loving you, and I can't bear the thought of losing you forever."

Freen's eyes welled up with tears. This was not the Becky she had known during their marriage. This was a Becky who seemed genuinely sorry and vulnerable, the Becky of their childhood.

Becky reached out to touch Freen's hand, her fingers trembling. "I'm so sorry, Freen. I know I hurt you deeply, and I don't expect you to forgive me easily, if at all. But I'm begging you for another chance, a chance to make things right, to show you how much you mean to me."

Freen was torn. Her heart was still healing, and she had formed new connections in the village, particularly with Prim and Bright. She had started to find happiness again, and the unexpected return of Becky and her pregnancy had thrown her into confusion. Why did she have to look for me, when she obviously have moved on? What is this? Does she expect us to be back to being best friends and ask me to be her child's godmother? What does she need from me?

But right now, she knows she cannot talk to her yet. All the emotions she felt at the moment is just too suffocating.

"I... I need time," Freen finally whispered, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I need time to sort out my feelings first. I don't think I can talk to you yet."

Visible pain was reflected on the younger girl's eyes, but still, Becky nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I understand, Freen. I'll give you all the time you need. Just know that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make amends and to win back your trust."

As Becky walked away hesitantly, leaving Freen standing alone with her emotions in turmoil, Freen knew that she was facing one of the most difficult decisions of her life. Becky have once again broken down the walls she had so difficultly made, in just a snap. The depth of emotion in Becky's plea had left her reeling, especially as she saw the girl wiping the continuous tears in her eyes as she left. It seems like, she still holds a big part of her heart.


Freen was so confused the day she met Becky again that she forgot to address the elephant in the room. Becky was obviously pregnant. But who is the child's father?

In the days that followed Becky's unexpected visit, Freen found herself in a state of emotional turmoil. Her thoughts were consumed by the past, the present, and the uncertain future. She spent sleepless nights pondering the complexities of her feelings and the difficult choices she faced.

Prim and Bright noticed the change in Freen's demeanor. They could see that something was weighing heavily on her heart, and both of them were concerned. One evening, they coincidentally both decided to approach her with their concerns, each unaware of the other's intentions.

They were all in Freen's flower shop, helping the girl out, awkwardly trying to read the room.

Prim was the first to speak. "Tee Rak, you've been distant lately, and it's not like you. Is there something on your mind that you want to share?"

Freen looked at Prim, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and sadness. "Prim, you've been such a wonderful friend to me, and I don't want to keep anything from you. But there's something I need to figure out, and I can't make sense of it all myself."

Prim nodded understandingly. "Whatever it is, Tee Rak, remember that I'm here for you. We'll face it together."

Just as Freen was about to respond to Prim, Bright approached the two of them. He had also noticed Freen's emotional turmoil and couldn't bear to see her suffer in silence. "Freen, there's something I need to say to you. Do you have a minute?"

Freen turned her attention to Bright, walking to him, for privacy, heart heavy with the weight of her confusion.

Bright looked at Freen with a determined yet gentle expression. "Freen, I just noticed that you've been out of it the past days. Are you alright? If this is about Prim and I, please know that you don't have to rush your decision. I'm willing to give you all the time you need, but I want you to know that my feelings for you are sincere. I believe we can find happiness together, but I'll respect your decision, whatever it may be."

Freen was torn between her feelings for both Prim and Bright, her unresolved past with Becky, and the impending uncertainty of her future. She felt trapped by the complexity of her emotions, unable to make a clear choice. She wasn't even able to the two of them about Becky's sudden appearance.


On the other hand, Becky had been trying to give Freen the space she needed to make her decision, but the longing in her heart continued to grow. She stayed in a cozy inn in the town, just a few blocks near Freen's flower shop. She secretly watches her sometimes from outside, afraid that the girl will get mad at her for spying on her.

After days of watching the older, she notices two people who seems to be too close to Freen, much to her annoyance. But then she remembers that she has no right to be mad or jealous, and it broke her heart.

One sunny afternoon, as she was walking through the village, finally gaining courage to talk to Freen again, deciding that 3 days of letting her think might already enough. Much to her dismay, she spotted Freen and a younger girl sitting together under a tree, sharing a warm and affectionate moment.

They were laughing, their faces illuminated by smiles, and Freen's arm was draped around the girl's shoulders in a protective and loving gesture. It was like watching how Freen treated her before, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and regret.

As she watched from a distance, her heart heavy with mixed emotions, she overheard the girl affectionately calling Freen "Tee Rak." The term of endearment that Becky, herself, had never used during their marriage, which she now regrets. Hearing this sent a sharp pang of nostalgia and sadness through her.

Freen turned to the girl, her eyes filled with warmth and genuine affection. "Prim, thank you for today and every other day that you put a smile back on my face. I want you to know that mean so much to me. You've been my rock, my confidante, and my friend."

The girl called Prim smiled back at Freen, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "And you mean the world to me, Tee Rak. I'm grateful for every moment we share."

Becky's heart ached as she witnessed the genuine love and connection between Freen and Prim. She knew that her return had complicated an already intricate situation, and seeing Freen's affection for Prim made her question if she could ever win back the love they once shared.

With a heavy heart, Becky turned and walked away, realizing that her path to reconciliation with Freen would be filled with challenges and uncertainties. She had a long journey ahead, one that would test her determination and her ability to make amends for the mistakes of the past.


AN: Hey! Hope the multiple updates would make up for the late upload. Hehe Still very busy with school, so I'm not sure when I will be able to upload next. Please be patient with me. 😅

Before It Sinks In (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon