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As Becky entered the final trimester of her pregnancy, her life became a delicate balance of emotions, choices, and preparations. The baby growing within her was a constant reminder of the decisions she needed to make, decisions that would shape not only her own future but the future of those she cared about deeply.

Her relationship with Freen had progressed, slowly but steadily, as they delved deeper into their past and began to rebuild the emotional connection they had once shared, as Freen asked her to move in with her days after their confrontation. They reminisced about the good times, the laughter, and the dreams they had once nurtured together. Freen couldn't deny the genuine affection that still existed between them, but she was acutely aware that love alone couldn't mend the broken pieces of their history.

Becky, too, had changed during this time. Her love for Freen was evident in the way she cared for her and wooed her, even during hard stages of her pregnancy. She made sure that Freen attended every doctor's appointment with her, she held Freen's hand during the ultrasounds to make her feel like she's part of the journey, and tried to make amends by treating the girl like how a wife should. It was as if Becky was silently atoning for past mistakes, trying to prove her commitment and love.

One evening, as Becky sat in the cozy living room of Freen's cottage, she's practically living her now. Her growing belly a testament to the life she carried within, there was an unexpected knock at the door. Freen answered, and to her surprise, two well-dressed individuals stood there. They were Prim and Bright.

Becky, composed and welcoming, stepped forward to formally meet them. "Hello, I'm Becky," she said, extending her hand. "I believe you must be Prim and Bright. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Prim and Bright exchanged surprised glances but shook Becky's hand politely. "Yes, we're Prim and Bright," Prim replied. "It's nice to meet you too, Becky."

Becky continued, "I wanted to introduce myself formally. Freen and I have been through a lot together; we basically grew up together."

Freen, standing by Becky's side, could only nod in agreement, still uncertain as to how she should introduce the girl to the two.

Prim and Bright were taken aback knowing that Becky is someone from Freen's past. Both were thinking of how the pregnant girl was related to the person they both love.

"It's nice to meet you," Bright said after regaining his composure. "We'll need some time to get to know each other."

Becky nodded understandingly. "Of course, take all the time you need. It seems like I'll be staying a while here also." Her statement seemingly hinting that she had no plans to leave unless she was with Freen.

With that, they exchanged polite nods, and as the weeks passed, Becky, Freen, Prim, and Bright navigated the complex emotions that this newfound situation brought into their lives, all while Freen remained unaware of Becky and her true marital status.


Becky's pregnancy progressed steadily, each day bringing her closer to the birth of their child. She and Freen had grown even closer during this time, bonding over the anticipation of becoming parents together. They attended prenatal classes, read parenting books, and lovingly prepared a nursery for their little one.

Prim and Bright, on the other hand, had taken Becky's introduction as a sign that the girl is merely a friend from Freen's past, as there was no clarification about her identity in Freen's life. Little did they know the complexity of the situation that lay beneath the surface.

As Becky's due date approached, the village had rallied around her and Freen, offering assistance and support in various forms. The sense of community was strong, and it provided a comforting backdrop to the emotional intricacies of their lives.

One day, as Becky was making her way through the bustling village market, she happened to run into Prim and Bright. The encounter was unexpected, and it gave her a moment of pause.

"Becky, it's good to see you," Prim greeted her with a warm smile. "How have you been?"

Becky returned the smile, trying to conceal the nervousness she felt. "I've been well, thank you. Preparations for the baby are keeping us busy."

Bright chimed in, "We've been doing some shopping ourselves. It's an exciting time for all of us."

Becky nodded, the weight of her secret becoming heavier with each passing moment. She knew that the truth couldn't remain hidden forever, but she was torn between protecting Freen from the potential heartbreak and facing the reality of their complicated situation.


Over the next few weeks, Becky found herself in a constant state of inner turmoil. She cherished the time she spent with Freen, watching her excitement and nervousness grow as they neared the day of the baby's arrival. Yet, she couldn't escape the guilt that weighed on her conscience, knowing that Freen was unaware of their true marital status.

One evening, as they sat together on the porch of Freen's cottage, watching the sunset, Becky finally mustered the courage to address the issue. "Freen, there's something I need to tell you," she began, her voice trembling slightly.

Freen turned to her, concern in her eyes. "What is it, Becky? You look troubled."

Becky took a deep breath and confessed, "Freen, I have something to tell you. I... I never signed the divorce papers. Technically, we're still legally married."

Freen's eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, silence hung heavy in the air. She processed the revelation, her emotions swirling into a turbulent storm of confusion, anger, and hurt.

"You mean to say that all this time, we're still... married?" Freen finally spoke, her voice a mixture of disbelief and frustration.

Becky nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Freen. I didn't know how to tell you, and I didn't want to complicate things further. After you left, I realized how much I love you, so I never really signed the papers, cause I was determined to get you back. This why I've been trying to make amends for the past. But I understand if this changes everything."

Freen took a moment to collect her thoughts. She had built a life without Becky, believing their marriage was in the past. The news was overwhelming, and she needed time to process it all.

Prim and Bright, who had grown close to Freen in the absence of Becky, eventually also learned of the revelation, finally finding out about the truth of Becky's role in Freen's life. Fortunately, they were supportive of Freen during this difficult time, not causing any more trouble or worry to the girl, understanding that her feelings and decisions were now more complex than ever.

AN: What's Wattpad's problem? I republished this again too, because it keeps moving before chapters 41 and 43. Is it only on my account or is it the same with yours. It's pissing me off. 😡

Before It Sinks In (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon