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After what she witnessed between Freen and Prim, Becky had spent days reflecting on her past mistakes and longing for a second chance with Freen. She couldn't deny the deep love she still felt for her wife and was determined to make amends. She had noticed how Freen seemed happier in the company of Prim. Then, there was also the guy named Bright, who the villagers said was Freen's persistent and gentle suitor, always there to lend Freen a hand, always making her smile. After observing them more and blaming herself, she began to see how they treated her with love and kindness.

One sunny afternoon, Becky finally gathered the courage to approach Freen again. She found her in the village square, chatting with Bright and Prim, their faces filled with warmth and laughter. The contrast between the Freen she had known during their marriage and the Freen she saw now was noticeable. It was like the girl she's seeing now is the one from their childhood, always bright and cheerful.

Becky's heart ached as she realized that she had been lacking as a wife, unable to provide the happiness and support that Freen deserved. She had pushed Freen away with her hurtful actions and words, and now, she could see how Freen had found solace and happiness in the company of others.

Approaching the group, Becky cleared her throat, gaining their attention. "Freen, can we talk? There's something I need to say."

Becky noticed Freen's hesitation, looking at her two companions who are visibly confused, looking at her.

She noticed that Freen seemed conflicted as to whether she should introduce her to them or maybe how she would address her to her new found lovers. Becky scowled in her mind. Internally pissing herself off. So, without waiting anymore, she walked out, far enough for the two not to hear what she and Freen will talk about.

Freen followed her, after a while, her eyes a mixture of guilt and curiosity. "Becky, I'm sorry about that. I was just... Uhm..." Failing to find the right way to explain her side, Freen decided to change the topic. "Ugh. What is it? What do you want to talk about?"

Becky took a deep breath, trying to calm herself and to stop her forming tears from falling.

Honestly, she's mad and offended. First, Freen ignored her since she came to the village. She didn't even mind asking her where she stayed. Is she no longer worried about her? Then, she didn't even want to introduce her to her new "friends". Does Freen think she is insignificant in her life now?

But then again, it was her fault. What do you expect, Becky? You show up here and Freen will run back to your arms like she always did? Also, it was clear enough on the day that they met again that Freen is far from happy to see her again.

Upon composing herself, voice filled with sincerity, Becky said, "Freen, I've had a lot of time to reflect on our past, and I've come to realize how much I failed you as a wife. I see now how much happier and better treated you are with Prim and Bright."

Freen was surprised to hear that Becky knows who the other two are.

"How did she know them? Wait, wait, wait. Was she following or maybe watching me, these past few days?" Freen wondered.

Becky continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "I want you to know how deeply sorry I am for everything I put you through. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world, and it's clear to me that I wasn't able to provide that for you. That is one of my biggest regrets in life."

Freen looked at Becky, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions-surprise, empathy, and a glimmer of hope. "Becky, your words mean a lot to me. But as I already told you, it's not just about being treated better; it's about finding a connection and understanding. We've all grown and changed."

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