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"I've been spending time with Becky, trying to sort through our past and figure out if there's a way for us to move forward," Freen explained. "But I want to be completely transparent with both of you. This decision affects all of us, and I can't keep you in the dark any longer."

Prim reached out and took Freen's hand, offering her silent support. Bright, too, was attentive, his calm presence reassuring.

Freen continued, her voice steady, "Becky's confession about the baby has stirred up a lot of emotions and memories, and I'm torn between my past with her and the life we've built together here." She looked into their eyes, her gaze filled with sincerity. "I care deeply for both of you, and the thought of hurting you is unbearable."

Bright spoke up, his voice gentle, "Freen, we have no right to interfere with your history with Becky, though I know it pains both of us to hear what you had to go though in the past, we will respect you and keep mum about it, especially in front of Becky. But we also care about you and want what's best for you. What are you feeling right now? What do you want?"

Freen paused, considering her words carefully. "I want to be there for Becky during her pregnancy and try to rebuild our relationship, if that's possible. But I also don't want to lose what we have here, with both of you."

Prim smiled softly. "Freen, we understand that love can be complicated. We've seen the struggles you've faced, and we've seen the happiness you've found with us. We won't stand in the way of your happiness, but we hope that whatever you choose, you'll be honest with us."

Tears welled up in Freen's eyes as she felt the depth of their understanding and love. "Thank you both for being so understanding. I promise to be honest with you every step of the way, and I'll do my best to ensure that no one gets hurt."

As the days passed, Freen continued to spend time with Becky, helping her through the challenges of pregnancy and rebuilding their connection. It wasn't easy, and they faced numerous hurdles from their shared past, but they were both determined to make it work.

Prim and Bright, meanwhile, continued to support Freen emotionally, never pushing her to make a choice. They understood the complexities of her situation and the genuine feelings she had for Becky. The three of them found a way to navigate this unique situation, allowing Freen the space to explore her feelings while also ensuring that her bond with Prim and Bright remained strong.

Months went by, and the day of Becky's delivery approached. Freen had been there for her every step of the way, attending doctor's appointments, helping prepare the nursery, and providing emotional support. Despite the challenges, a sense of unity had developed between Freen and Becky, as they both eagerly anticipated the arrival of their child.

Richie also decided to stay in the village for the mean time, as he also awaits the birth of the child, making sure to be beside his beloved sister every step of the way. His sister's pregnancy had brought them closer, and he wanted to be there for her during this crucial time. Richie was a pillar of strength, supporting Becky in every way he could.


As weeks turned into months, Becky was determined to rebuild her relationship with Freen. She knew that winning back Freen's love and trust would be a slow and delicate process, but she was willing to do whatever it took.

Becky started by being a supportive co-parent. She and Freen worked together to prepare for the arrival of their child, sharing the excitement of baby names, nursery decorations, and the anticipation of becoming parents. Their shared responsibilities allowed them to spend more time together, fostering a sense of teamwork and cooperation.

During these moments, as they painted the nursery walls or assembled baby furniture, Freen and Becky began to talk. At first, their conversations revolved around their baby—how they imagined their child's future, the hopes and dreams they had for their family. But gradually, they started to open up about themselves, sharing stories from their past, their dreams, and their fears.

One evening, as they sat in the cozy nursery, cradling the baby bump, Freen said, "You know, Becky, I've been thinking a lot about our past lately. The good times we had, the mistakes we made..."

Becky nodded, her heart pounding with hope. "I've been doing the same, Freen. I regret so much of how things ended between us."

Freen looked at Becky, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and longing. "I miss the connection we used to have, the way we understood each other without words."

Becky reached out and gently touched Freen's hand. "I miss it too, more than words can say. Freen, I want you to know that I'm committed to making things right, not just for our child's sake, but for us as well. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust and love."

Freen sighed, her gaze fixed on their baby bump. "Becky, it's not that simple. I've built a life here with Prim and Bright. They've been there for me when I needed support the most."

Becky nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I know, Freen. I don't want to come between you and the happiness you've found here. But I can't help how I feel, and I'll always be here, loving our child and hoping that someday, we can find a way back to each other."

Their conversations continued, slowly bridging the emotional gap between them. They reminisced about the moments that had drawn them together in the first place, the shared interests, and the laughter they had once shared. Becky was patient, never pushing too hard, always giving Freen the space she needed to sort through her feelings.

As time went on, Becky also made efforts to rebuild their physical intimacy. She suggested taking walks together, just the two of them, during which they could talk and reconnect. These walks allowed Freen to see a different side of Becky, a side that was more vulnerable and determined to make amends.

One sunny afternoon, while they were strolling through the nearby woods, Freen suddenly stopped and turned to Becky. "You know," she said, "I've missed this, being outdoors with you, just the two of us."

Becky smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. "I've missed it too, Freen. I've missed you."

They stood there for a moment, the rustling leaves and chirping birds the only sounds around them. And then, slowly, tentatively, Freen reached out and took Becky's hand. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about the possibility of a rekindled connection.

As they continued their walks and shared moments alone, Freen started to let her guard down. She found herself laughing at Becky's jokes, feeling comfortable in her presence, and even experiencing moments of tenderness. It was as if the wall that had stood between them was gradually crumbling, allowing the warmth of their past to seep through.

But Freen was still torn, still hesitant to fully open her heart to the possibility of rekindling their romantic relationship. She knew that it wasn't just about her feelings for Becky; it was also about the deep connection she had formed with Prim and Bright. They were a family now, and any decision she made would impact all of them.

Becky understood the situation and never pushed Freen beyond her comfort zone. She knew that patience and time were key to rebuilding what had been broken. So, she continued to be a devoted mother and a supportive friend, all the while hoping that, one day, Freen might take the leap of faith and give their love a second chance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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