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Freen's mind was in turmoil, the weight of the revelations sinking in. She couldn't deny the impact of Becky's words, both the confession of her true feelings and the bombshell about the baby. The news left her conflicted, torn between the past and the uncertain future.

Becky watched Freen's reaction with bated breath, her heart racing as she waited for a response. She knew that she had just dropped a heavy burden on Freen's shoulders, and she feared what her reaction might be.

After what felt like an eternity, Freen finally found her voice, though it trembled with uncertainty. "What? How? I mean, Becky, this is... Oh my God."

"Of course, it's hers!" Freen thought. As Becky said, she never loved anyone else. And she's sure as hell that the girl was a virgin before the night they shared. The blood stain on her sheets is a clear proof, though she had no recollection of that night.

At this point, Freen's knees gave in due to the intensity of her emotions. Her mind was in haywire. She cannot think straight.

"Oh, God. She's going to have a baby!" And she almost never got to find out, because had Becky not looked for her, Freen might never have returned.

"Becky, this is a lot to process. I need time to think, to sort through my feelings." Freen decided to say after a while, still sat on the ground due to the revelation.

Becky nodded, her eyes filled with understanding and apprehension. "Of course, Freen. I understand. Take all the time you need. I just wanted to be honest with you and make things right."

Freen stood up from the garden bench, her mind swirling with thoughts and emotions. She needed space to process everything, to come to terms with the truth that had been revealed. She looked at Becky, her gaze softening despite the confusion within her.

Hesitantly, Becky decided to ask,"You... Uhm... But you believe me, right? You believe that I am carrying our child?"

Becky fidgetted with her fingers, holding her breath as she waited for the girl's reply.

The older looked shocked at her question, but soon gave her a reassuring smile. "Of course, Bec. I know you wouldn't lie about something like this."

"I appreciate your honesty, Becky," Freen said sincerely. "But, I'll need some time to think and figure things out. Can we talk again when I'm ready?"

Becky nodded, her heart heavy with uncertainty but also a glimmer of hope. She knew that their journey was far from over, and there were many obstacles to overcome. But for the first time in a long time, she felt a ray of hope that they might find a way back to each other.

As Becky walked away, leaving Freen in the garden, both women were left with a whirlwind of emotions and questions about the future. The truth had been revealed, and now they had to navigate the complexities of their past, their feelings, and the unexpected connection that bound them together.

As Becky's figure disappeared into the distance, Freen stood there, her heart heavy and her mind in turmoil. Her unexpected return and the revelation of her pregnancy had thrown Freen's world into chaos, like a tempest raging through her soul. The lush garden around her, usually a place of serenity, now mirrored the whirlwind of emotions within her.

Becky's plea had been so heartfelt, so raw, that it had stirred up memories and feelings Freen thought she had buried deep in the past. She couldn't deny that a part of her had always wondered what might have been if her marriage to Becky hadn't been filled with strife and misunderstandings. Now, faced with Becky's longing and regret, Freen was left feeling conflicted and confused, torn between the love they had once shared and the life she had built since then.

But there were other factors to consider-Prim and Bright. They had been Freen's lifeline, her support, and the source of newfound happiness in her life. The connection she had formed with both of them was strong, and she cared for them deeply. She couldn't ignore the bonds that had developed in the village, bonds that had helped her heal and find a sense of belonging she had yearned for.

Freen sat down in her garden, the familiar scent of flowers and earth surrounding her. The petals of the blossoms rustled in the breeze, as if whispering secrets of their own. She needed time to sort through her feelings, to untangle the threads of her past and the possibilities of her future. The decision ahead of her was monumental, one that would impact not only her life but the lives of those who had become so important to her.

As she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, Freen knew that the days and weeks ahead would be filled with difficult choices and emotional challenges. The uncertainty of what lay ahead weighed heavily on her heart, and she couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to find a path that would lead to healing and happiness for everyone involved.


In the following days, Freen found herself still torn between the past and the present, between the love she had once shared with Becky and the connections she had formed with Prim and Bright. It was as if she stood at a crossroads, and each path held its own set of emotions, uncertainties, and consequences.

As she contemplated her decision, Freen couldn't help but consider the well-being of the child that Becky was carrying-a child that was apparently hers. The thought of having a child in the world, a child who could potentially connect her to her past and offer a chance at reconciliation with Becky, was a profound factor in her decision-making process.

She spent sleepless nights replaying memories of her life with Becky, both the moments of joy and the painful episodes that had led to their separation. Becky's heartfelt plea had touched something deep within her, reminding her of the love they had once shared. It was hard to ignore Becky's longing and regret, and a part of her yearned for closure, for the chance to address the unresolved issues that had haunted their past.

On the other hand, there was the present, with Prim and Bright by her side. They had shown her kindness, patience, and love, helping her rebuild her life after the pain of her previous relationship. Her feelings for both of them had grown stronger, and she couldn't deny the happiness they had brought into her life.

Freen shared her confusion with Prim and Bright, both of them understanding and supportive of the difficult situation she found herself in. They knew that she needed time to make a decision that would impact all of their lives.

Prim, with her warm and compassionate nature, assured Freen, "We want what's best for you, even if it means letting you go. We'll support you no matter what you decide."

Bright, steadfast and patient as ever, added, "Freen, take all the time you need. Your happiness is what matters most to us. We'll be here for you, no matter which path you choose."

As the days turned into weeks, Freen continued to meet with Becky, slowly unraveling the complexities of their past and exploring the possibility of a future together. Each conversation was emotionally charged, filled with painful memories and hopeful glimpses of reconciliation.

But as her connection with Becky deepened, so did her feelings of guilt and confusion toward Prim, Bright, and the unborn child. They all deserved honesty and clarity about where her heart truly lay, and Freen knew that she couldn't keep them in the dark any longer.

The time had come for her to make a choice, to confront her past and embrace the future, whatever it might hold. The weight of her decision pressed upon her, and she couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to find a path that would lead to healing, happiness, and the well-being of everyone involved, including the child.


AN: Sorry, I had to reupload this because of the mix up with the chapters. Please, don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks!

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