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          TVman-204 POV:

As I teleport back to the base.I meet up with many of my other worker TVman.But they don't care to talk with each other.I feel a little upset because if it is Speakerman he gonna greet me well.

I just walk around the base not know what to do now.

But then I hear some other TVman talk about a small fight about some Cameraman with some common Skibidi Toilets, and a special one.

I very curious about so I decide to teleport to there and review it.It's my job after all.

As I teleport there I see it as an abandon city with lots of  Toilet bodies who have been ripped apart and break in piece.

As I look around, I notice some Cameramen corpses as well. It's obvious that there was a intense and bloody battle that occurred here, and many lives have been lost. Only a few bodies appear to be mostly intact.

I look around the abandoned city, taking in the devastation left from the fight that happened here. The bodies of the Toilets and the Cameramen litter the streets and buildings. Some buildings are burned and destroyed, while others seem relatively unchanged.

I inspect the Cameramen's bodies to gather more intel.

I notice that the bodies have been cut with something sharp and fast. I also notice that the Skibidi Toilet that attacked them was not very big just bigger than a common Skibidi a bit.

I decide to investigate the city in search of any survivors.

As I wander around, I notice more bodies of both Toilets and Cameramen here and there. I can't help but notice how gruesome some of these deaths are. There are many bodies with missing heads and mutilated limbs.

I keep searching through the city, hoping to find anyone alive. However, as I continue to look, I realize that there are no signs of life anywhere. It seems like everyone is dead.

I teleport on to the roof of one of the buildings and take a moment to look around.

From my new perspective, I can see the city in greater detail. The bodies of the Toilets and the Cameramen are scattered everywhere. The scene is even more gruesome from this height.

I also notice that some of the buildings are completely destroyed or heavily damaged, while others appear to be relatively untouched.

I decide to try to douse some of the fires to prevent the city from burning further.

I go near some of the areas where the fires are burning and attempt to put them out. I successfully manage to extinguish some of the fires and the fire slowly subsides.

I manage to put out most of the fires in the immediate area, but I can still see smoke and fires in the distance.

I leave the building and begin to search for more fires in the area.

I continue to put out fires and manage to douse most of the fires in the immediate vicinity of the city. However, as I continue to wander around, I see that there are still many fires burning in different buildings spread out over the city.

I notice a Cameraman body nearby. I carefully examine the body to see if I can gather more intel on the death of the Cameramen.

I notice that the Cameramen's corpse is heavily mutilated and dismembered. The head appears to be completely cut in half, and the body has been torn apart as if it was ripped to pieces. I also see multiple deep cuts and slashes on different parts of the body.

This seems to be a very gruesome death and definitely seems to be the work of an powerful Skibidi Toilet.

I quickly search the area in search of any surviving Cameramen.

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