Simp Cameraman (Extra Story)

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(I will give him a happy end)

Simp Cameraman, also known as Brown Cameraman. Everyone liked to simply call him Simp instead. He was a kind and genuine person, always wanting the best for others. He never liked being in the spotlight, rather preferring to stick in the background and offer his support from there. Despite his shy personality, he knew how to get the job done when it came to fighting the evil Skibidi Toilets. His humble nature and dedication to the Alliance made him a valuable part of the team and he always gave his 110% to the fight against the Toilet menace.

Simp Cameraman was infamous for his simping of women within the Alliance, especially toward TVwoman. Even though he never had a chance with her, he was still trying to make her notice him and win her love. His simping for every women in the Alliance earned him the title, Simp Cameraman.

Simp Cameraman had a thing for TVwoman because of her cool and cute attitude. He also had a crush on Camerawoman for being kind and supportive and Speakerwoman for being lively and funny, but TVwoman always took precedent over the others. He was constantly thinking about TVwoman, even in the most dire of situations. She was the one who always helped him out and never disappointed. Simp Cameraman was utterly in love with TVwoman and could not picture his life without her.

Simp Cameraman was well-known as an avid simper within the Alliance. Some were annoyed by his constant attempts to win over women, others just ignored him or just treated him like normal. It seemed that no one knew how to deal with Simp, and so his simping continued. Simp didn't want to give up on the mission to win over TVwoman's heart, he believed that if he kept at it, one day, he would succeed.

Simp Cameraman had finally won the day, defeating two Skibidi Toilet enemies by himself. TVwoman had been observing the entire fight, her face showing a look of annoyance the whole time. But after Simp accomplished his task, and she saw his hard work, she gave him a small acknowledgement. This made Simp feel like he had finally made progress towards winning TVwoman's heart.

Simp's day became one of the happiest in his life after Camerawoman helped him and Speakerwoman applauded him. Simp's heart skipped a beat and he felt a surge of euphoria. He could not believe the day finally arrived when the two women he had crushed on acknowledge and appreciate him. Simp was feeling over the moon, and this motivated him to work even harder towards his goal of trying to win over TVwoman's heart.

Simp's happiness did not last long and soon came to a crushing end. During a mission, Simp's body got buried under a pile of scrap metal. He desperately tried to call to the other Alliance members, but to no avail. Nobody came to help Simp and he was trapped all alone. As the time passed by he slowly felt his hope slipping away, eventually giving into despair. He was utterly helpless with his life hanging in the balance.

Simp's eyes widened and his heart began racing as someone slowly approached him. He was unsure of who it could be. Was it perhaps TVwoman? But no, it was much taller than she was. He couldn't believe it, it was another TVman! Simp's sense of relief was immediately replaced with excitement. He had never imagined that a TVman being the one to rescue would ever happen.

Simp Cameramen was too weak to properly call out, but he tried to yell out a small shout of "Help..." The TVman heard him and looked around, but did not immediately see Simp yet. Simp Cameramen started getting desperate, fear growing in his heart as he realized that the TVman might walk right past him without even noticing.

Simp Cameramen couldn't believe what he was seeing. The TVman had turned his head and seemed to have noticed Simp. He got closer, kneeling down beside Simp. The TVman realized that Simp was right there the whole time. Simp could feel his heart beginning to beat faster and faster and his hopes for rescue grew ever higher.

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