RebelMare vs Katana&Kayden

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*It was 5 minutes before you and Demi vs Kacy and Allyssa. Luis and Fergal stayed back in the locker while Dominik was gonna be ring-side. Standing in gorilla, you and Demi were stretching for a bit

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

*The crowd cheers as Katana and Kayden walk out, holding their fog cannon and pull the trigger as the fog shoots out. They put the cannons down before walking down to the ring while high-fans here and there along the way. Demi and you stood backstage with Dominik, watching Katana and Kayden make their entrance*

You: Let's do this...

*The lights go out for a few seconds before dimming back on as 'Necessary Evil' by Motionless in White started playing, booming through the arena. You and Rhea walking out in sync, Dominik following from behind. You and Rhea standing back to back, both of you bring up your legs then stomp them hard onto the floor, slowly looking up with a smirk in the camera, the whole arena cheering*

"Strip off the weight of mortality and check it at the door"

*The three walk to the ring. Standing in front of the ring, you fist-bump with Rhea before sliding in the ring, Rhea walks around the ring and slides onto the apron while Dominik walks up the steel steps and gets in the ring. Rhea does her pose on the apron as you stand behind her on the ropes with Dom next to you*

Rhea: We got in the bag! Let's squash these bugs!

*You smirk as you kiss the top of Dominik's head before getting in the ring, standing in the corner with Rhea and Dom, you and Rhea staring down Katana and Kayden as they do the same thing to you guys*

"The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for fall one and is for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship! Introducing the challengers, Katana Chance and Kayden Carter!"

*Katana and Kayden step forward, getting cheered from the crowd and they gesture to having titles around their waist before stepping back to their corner*

"And their opponents. Accompanied by Dominik Mysterio. Representing The Judgment Day, they are the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Madelyn Jayne and Rhea Ripley, RebelMare!"

*You and Rhea step forward, raising the tag titles with smirks on your faces before glaring back at Katana and Kayden. You and Rhea give the tag titles to the ref and take off the Smackdown Women's titles and set them on the apron along with your jackets. The ref raises the titles before giving them to time-keepers. You get on the apron and so does Kayden, leaving Katana and Rhea in the ring*

Ring the bell!

*Katana tried to get Rhea in a 'waist-lock' but Rhea grab Katana and take her down with a 'Suplex' Rhea gets up while grabbing Katana and throws her in the corner, Rhea then tag you in. You get in the ring, and Rhea whips you into Katana with a 'Hip Attack' Rhea gets on the apron as you drag Katana away from the corner and pin her*


*Katana kicks out, but you were quick to get her in a 'headlock' As You get on a knee, Katana hits you in the stomach, making you groan. You and Katana start to stand as she hits you again. You let go of Katana and take her down with a 'shoulder tackle' You hit a 'Senton' then switch to a 'Springboard Moonsault' on Katana and pin her again*


*Katana kicks out again. You stand up and grab her by her hair and drag her over to the corner, hitting her head-first on the turnbuckle. You tag in Rhea and you guys deliver a 'Chin Lock & SoccerBall kick' combo. You get out the ring as Rhea pins Katana*


*Kayden gets in the ring and breaks thing up. Kayden slap Rhea on the back, Rhea groans as she stands up to face Kayden then grabs Kayden and throws her across the ring. Kayden rolls out the ring and you turn to face Kayden. Running on the apron, you jump and take Kayden down with a 'Meteora' You stand up and Dominik is hyping you up*

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