Part 2

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(Later at night Natasha comes in)

Natasha: Hey kiddo. Fury just contacted me and he agrees to you doing the mission but-

Niana: Uh oh there's a 'but'

Natasha: He's gonna pair you up with another teenage hero.

(Natasha shows her a pic of the teenager)

Natasha: You'll be working with Nathaniel Barton.

Niana: That's fine. But he's fine too. He's mighty fine.

Natasha: (Chuckles) He's actually the son of my really close friend Clint barton. You've never met him yet but you might meet him soon.

Steve: Lemme see that?

(Natasha hands the tablet to steve)

Steve: Wow he's grown up.

Niana: And fine, mighty fine.

Steve: Okay eat your dinner and stop talking about boys.

Natasha: Relax babe. He'll arrive tomorrow and you can start your mission on Monday.

Niana: Okay.

(The next day the doorbell rings. Natasha opens the door)

Natasha: Hey.

Clint: Hey

(they hug)

Clint: Oh it's been so long.

Natasha: Yeah. Hi Laura (She hugs Laura) How are you?

Laura: I'm good. Thank you so much for having us over.

Natasha: Of course. Come in!

(They come inside the house)

Natasha: Oh my gosh. Look at the three of you.

Lila: Hi Aunt Nat.

(She hugs Natasha)

Natasha: Hi sweetie.

Cooper: Hey Aunt Nat.

Natasha: Hi cooper.

(They hug)

Nate: Hey aunt nat.

Natasha: hey! Niana and Steve are downstairs. Come on.

Avengers: Assemble AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora