Part 32

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(2 years later, Niana is on a mission)

Nick(on the earpiece): Okay so Alexander should be arriving soon.

Niana: Okay.

(A man enters the room)

Niana: He's entered.

Nick: Okay so he's supposed to be meeting someone called Elizabeth Fontes. But what he doesn't know is that Elizabeth is actually you.

Niana(On the earpiece): So he doesn't know it's me?

Nick: nope.

Alexander: Elizabeth?! Hello? Anyone?!

Niana(quietly): It's showtime.

(Niana reloads her gun and points it at alexander)

Niana: Hello Alex.

(Alexander turns around and points a gun at her)

Alexander: Who are you?

Niana: I'm the girl who's about to kick your butt.

Alexander: (scoffs) Try me.

(A beat. Alexander shoots the gun at Niana then runs away)

Niana: Shit.

(Niana chases him to the Roof;Alexander and Niana start fighting. Niana then kicks him and then drags him to the edge)

Niana: Who do you work for?

Alexander: I'll never talk!

(Niana turns him around that faces the view)

Alexander: Ahh! No, no, no!

Niana: I ain't gonna ask again!

Alexander: Never!

Niana: Oh well you asked for this.

(Niana pushes him down the building)

Niana: Yeesh, that bush did not break his fall. Oh well he asked for it.

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