Part 52

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(They go to the avengers tower)

Niana: What's this place?

Morgan: You'll see.

(They go inside to find the avengers in the meeting room)

Morgan: Hey guys!

Tony: Hey, I didn't expect you guys to come here.

Morgan: Just thought we would pop by.

(They all hug their parents)

Wanda: How was it?

Niana: Fine i guess.

Vision: Anyone got injured?

Oliver: I got a slash.

Niana: Huh?

(Oliver shows his shoulder has a cut and his stomach)

Niana: Oh dang, ew!

Morgan: I got a gunshot.

Niana(mumbles): Well if you were to focus you wouldn't've gotten shot.

Nate: Okay drop it.

Steve: What happened?

Niana: The two of them were talking and a drone was about to shoot them and if it wasn't for me they would be dead. Okay d-e-a-d. Dead

Nate: We get it okay. Can you just get over it?

Niana: Fine I'll get over it ... .just like how you tried to get over your jealousy with Ethan.

Ben: oof..

Morgan: Dang..

Bily: Uh oh

Tommy: Oh boy..

Oliver: Dang Nia.

Nate: Okay you wanna play this game?

Niana: I'm not playing any games.

Nate: I'm not jealous.

Niana: Fine you're not jealous like i'm over it.

Oliver: Alright you come with me and help sew my wounds. I'll deal with you later.

(Niana and Oliver leave)

Wanda: Alright I just gotta step in here. Nate you're not jealous of ethan

Nate: Yeah I'm not.

Wanda: But you're jealous of Oliver.

Morgan: What!

Ben: Woah plot twist.

Love: you're kidding.

Nate: What- I'm not jealous

All: That's what you always say!

Nate: What no I don't.

Morgan: Yes you do and why are you even jealous of Oliver.

Ben: Yeah him and Nia are just friends

Nate: Well-

Morgan/Love: Ohh

Love: Now I know. When we were doing the mission Niana was holding Oliver off from killing Ethan and she was looking at him and I called it a "moment" and then when Nate saw he got jealous.

(everyone looks at Nate)

Nate: Wow that got a lot of detail (chuckles).

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