Part 13

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(Niana goes into the kitchen)

Nate: I just took a bullet for her.

Cooper: Come on, that shows you like her.

Lila: You can't deny it.

Nate: She was gonna get shot!

Lila: But you didn't hesitate did you?

Nate: No but that doesn't mean I like her.

Nick: Woah Barton you like Rogers?

Nate: No...

Nick: I'm not gonna lie, I see in your eyes that you like her.

Nate: No- Look she's really nice but I also like Kayla and I'm still unsure so you guys have to shut your mouths about it.

(Niana enters with ice)

Niana: Here put this on your wound

(She places the ice gently on the wound)

Nate: Thanks.

Natasha: So you were talking about a number?

Niana: Not a number more like a code. It's 4-2-1-9-7.

Steve: That's a weird code.

Nick: Maybe it unlocks something? I'll check it out. But right now Nate needs to get some rest.

Steve: Here's an idea: how about you guys stay here? We have extra bedrooms and it'll be easier so you guys don't have to come back and forth.

Clint: That'll be great! What do you guys think?

Nate: Sure.

Laura: That'll be nice.

Steve: Great come on, I'll get you guys settled in.

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