Part 23

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(he types the same passcode but backwards.)

Nate: Dang it.

(meanwhile with the girls)

Niana: Why can't you just leave us alone?

(Niana uses her both feet to kick Elena to the wall)

Elena: Because you (punches Niana multiple times) ruined my life!

Niana: Oh really?

(They continue fighting)

Elena: Yes really!

(Meanwhile nate tries multiple passcodes but they don't work)

Nate: Ugh i tried everything and nothing is working.

(Nate thinks of the code from before)

Nate: Wait! The code James gave us, what was it?

(nates types a code)

Nate: 4-2-1-7-9

(The code is incorrect)

Nate: Huh?

Nate: Oh right!

(Nate types in the correct one)

Nate: Yes I got it!

(he takes the flash drive and puts it in his pocket)

Nate: man im so smart-shit Niana!

(Nate runs to Niana.)

Niana: Ugh girl your breath is kicking me already.

Elena: Shut up!

(Elena kicks Niana and punches her until she falls to the ground.)

Elena(mockingly): Aw poor wittle baby do you have a bruise spween?

(Niana sees Nate behind her)

Niana: Turn around

Elena: Huh?

(She turns around)

Nate: Hey Babe, nice to see you.

(Nate kicks her and throws her to the other side. Niana stands up)

Niana: Damn, what did you do?

(she tries to get up)

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