Part 6

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(an hour later. The bell rings)

Ms Cara: Alright class we'll continue this next time!

Niana: Go now's your chance to talk to her.

Nate: Later!

Niana: Okay okay.

(In the cafeteria, Kayla comes up to Nate and Niana)

Kayla: Hey girly.

Niana: Hey, Kay this is Nate.

Kayla: Hi.

Nate: Hey. (he sees her shoes) Yo nice kicks.

Kayla: Thanks, I DIY-ed them myself.

Nate: Cool, what other things do you DIY yourself?

Kayla: Well I DIY-ed some other of my clothes and..

Niana: Have fun.

(Niana goes to her seat. A few minutes later, Nate joins her)

Nate: Hey.

Niana: Hey, so how was it?

Nate: It was good.

Niana: Yeah? Well, you're welcome.

Nate: Thanks. So what's the plan?

Niana: After school we'll break into the school to make sure no one is inside then-

Nate: We get the drive.

Niana: Yessir

(A few hours later at night. Nate and Niana are inside the school in the dark).

Niana: alright locker 430 get in there.

(Nate breaks in the locker to find it empty)

Nate: Where is it?

Niana: What the hell.

Elle: I believe this is what you're looking for.

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