Part 5

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(they go to the seat)

Nate: You sound so sad when you said great.

Niana: Not really.

(They sat down)

Ms Cara: Alright class please write down these poems.

Girl #1: Hey who's the cute guy?

Niana: Him? That's Nate.

Girl #1: Is he single?

Niana: Okay girl chill. (chuckles)

Girl #1: Just saying.

Nate: So tell me about your class

Niana: Well that girl there Elle. She's the most perfect girl here and-

(Niana sees Nate staring at a girl)

Niana: Hello? (Snaps fingers) Nate!

Nate: Huh? Yeah?

Niana: (gasp) Oh my gosh. You like Kayla.

Nate: What? No i don't

Niana: Oh come on I know you do.

Nate: Okay fine maybe a bit.

Niana: (gasps) Okay two things, One, you should go for her and two, Kayla's my best friend.

Nate: Huh?

Niana: I've known Kayla since kindergarten. And she's really nice so go and shoot your shot

Nate: Later.

Niana: Okay but still thinking that you should now.

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