Part 53

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(Meanwhile Niana is helping oliver sew up his wounds)

Oliver: Alright now tell me. Why're you so angry?

Niana: I'm not.

Oliver: Yes you are. Or let's say jealous.

Niana: What?

Oliver: You're jealous that Morgan was talking to Nate aren't you?

Niana: W-Well uh maybe?

Oliver: I knew it.

Niana: Look I don't even know my feelings for him and yeah.

(Niana finishes sewing up his wound)

Niana: Alright all good.

Oliver: Thanks.

(Oliver puts in his jacket)

Oliver: Niana look i can tell that you like him and just take a shot.

Niana: Okay but to be honest are you jealous ?

Oliver: (spluttering) what? (laughs) I resent that, Niana.

Niana: Dude.

Oliver: I just don't wanna see you get hurt. Every time you have a new guy you get heartbroken.

Niana: I know and thank you for caring for me but I'll be okay.

Oliver: Okay. Come on.

(Oliver puts her arm around her and they go back to the meeting room)

Niana: Hey where's Morgan and Nate?

(Oliver slowly takes his arm off her shoulder)

Natasha: Nate went to help Morgan with her gunshot wound.

Niana: Oh okay

Natasha: Wanda.

Wanda: Yeah um sweetie we know you like Nate.

Niana: Wha-what. N-no i don't.

(Everyone looks at Niana)

Niana: Okay look I don't know my feelings and I don't even wanna talk to him.

Wanda: Are you jealous?

Niana: No I'm not why does everybody keep saying that? And look Aunt wanda thank you for helping me but i can handle this myself.

Oliver: But-?

Niana: I'm fine.

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