Part 19

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Niana: So about Kayla.

Nate: Uh oh what now?

Niana: Nothing, I'm just saying that you haven't talked to her since a few weeks ago. And you ditched on her and cancelled the plan about the museum

Nate: I'm just tryna focus on the mission.

Niana: Oh come on why don't you just go out with her.

Nate: I don't know, maybe I'll be going too fast?

Niana: But you'll be going too slow?

Nate: I don't know.

Niana: But I shall be your adviser.

Nate: yes ma'am (chuckles)

(Back at the house. The adults come back)

Natasha: Hey guys where's Nate and Nia?

Lila: They went out on a date.

Steve: They went where? what-huh what?

Cooper: Nate wanted to cheer up Niana.

Natasha: Aww well that's sweet.

Clint: Yeah there's something going on between the two of them.

Steve: Okay I'm not gonna lie but yes there is.

(Meanwhile, with Niana and nate)

Niana: This bubble tea is so good.

Nate: It's from Maga tea

Niana: Interesting.

(Suddenly a gunshot appears between them)

Niana: What the hell!

(They stand up and turn around to see Elena holding a gun with crazy hair and ashes over her)

Nate: How are you alive!

Elena: I'm alive and ready to kill!

(Elena keeps shooting them and they hide behind a tree.)

Nate: How did she find us?!

Niana: I don't know.

(Niana takes a gun from her pocket)

Nate: You have a gun?!

Niana: Always gotta be prepared!

(Niana starts shooting Elena too)

Elena: Come on out!

Niana: Ugh!

(Niana aims for her shoulder)

Elena: Argh! Damn it fine you win this time but i'll be back for you!

(Elena leaves)

Niana: we gotta get out of here-

Nate: Now!

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