Part 57

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(They start fighting until they go down; Ethan walks in front of them)

Ethan: (claps) Well done. Amazing work (stops clapping) didn't think it would work out.

Niana: You've gone too far endangering citizens and kids!

Ethan: Oh don't worry I'll stop when I kill one of you. Now let's play a game.

(They start fighting; Meanwhile)

Morgan: All of the kids and citizens are in the abandoned shelter safe. Where are the rest?

Nate: they're uh-

(Nate sees the others fighting ethan)

Nate: Fighting ethan!

Morgan: What do we do?

Nate: Morgan you and Billy get the rest of the people in a safe location. Tommy, follow me!

Tommy: On it!

(The guys run towards to help the others. Nate runs and kicks ethan hard that he goes flying)

Nate: You guys okay?

Niana: Yeah we're okay. Where's Morgan?

Tommy: She and my brother are helping the other citizens. So what's the plan?

Niana: Ethan wants one of us dead and that means me. So we gotta kill myself-

Nate: Huh?!

Niana: (sigh) Let me finish i have padding so if Morgan shoots me i wont die at least Ethan will think i'm dead.

Nate: Why Morgan?

Niana: Because Ethan knows that you're talking to us so if Morgan "kills" me then he'll think it's not a prank.

Nate: Good idea I'll tell them the plan and give Morgan the gun.

Niana: Okay go.

(Everyone except Niana runs to Morgan and Billy. Nate tells her the plan and gives her the gun. Niana sees Ethan standing up)

Niana: Come on Morgan, do it!

(Morgan points the gun at Niana but is too afraid to shoot her)

Nate: Morgan come on!

(Ethan walks towards Niana)

Oliver: Morgan come on!

Love: Morgan!

Morgan: I-I-

Ethan: Too late!

(Ethan throws a bomb and there's an explosion. He steps away)

Oliver: Nia!

Nate: Niana!

Love: Oh shit.

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