Part 42

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 (A few hours later everybody is waiting for the girls)

Nate: Man this tux is comfortable. I didn't know that.

Steve: Just wait until you get married.

Billy: Where are the girls we need to leave soon

(love and Morgan come down)

Tony: Wow you guys look so pretty

Thor: You do.

Morgan: Thanks

Love: Thanks guys.

Nate: Where's nia?

Morgan: Aww you miss her already

Nate: Shut up. I was just wondering.

Love: She wants to get ready alone for some good reason, just wait.

(Niana comes down all dressed up)

Niana: Morgan is this how you put it on becau-

(Niana sees that Morgan and love are in awe)

Niana: What?

Morgan: You look so pretty!

Love: You look amazing!

Niana: Aw thanks.

Natasha: You look amazing honey.

Niana: Thanks mom.

Oliver: You look great.

Niana: Thanks Oli.

Billy: Uh guys I think we need a mask.

Tommy: Why?

Niana: Huh?

Morgan: Huh why?

Wanda: Because Nate hasn't closed his mouth since Niana came down and Billy's worried that flies might get inside.

(Nate closes his mouth in embarrassment)

Nate: What I- You look great.

Niana: (laughs) thanks. Come on, let's go.

Love: Wait what about weapons?

(Niana lifts her up her dress a bit to show a gun on her leg)

Niana: Got it.

(Niana takes guns from her bag and she passes it to morgan)

Niana: Here.

Morgan: Thanks but what about the boys?

Nate: I got it.

Oliver: I don't need no weapons

(Niana rolls her eyes and passes Oliver a gun)

Oliver: Thank you.

Niana: (chuckles) You're welcome and Billy and Tommy and Ben have powers so we're good. But love what about you.

(Love holds out her hand and a hammer goes in her hand)

Love: I'm good

Morgan: Okay, we're ready, let's go.

(they say goodbye to their parents and leave)

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