Part 28

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(Niana is in shock; He aims for her. Suddenly Nate comes out of nowhere and kicks him)

Niana: Nate (she stands up) you're alive! How are you alive?

Nate: secrets.

(they hug)

Nianna: I'm so glad you're okay

Nate: yeah and- (Nate sees niana's gunshot wound) what happened to you?

Niana: It's okay, I'm fine.

Nate: Doesn't it hurt?

Niana: Oh it hurts like hell (chuckles) but I'm fine.

Elena: You're kidding me!

(Elena shoots a gun at a car which makes it explode as she walks out of the smoke.)

Elena: You're everywhere!

Niana: Well, if you would stop tracking us down we would've stopped.

Elena: Never!

(elena throws a bomb at them)

Nate: Duck!

(Nate and Niana are shielded by the shield. When they look up Elena is gone)

Niana: Now where is she?

Nate: Let's go.

(They stand up)

Niana: How?

(Nate spots another motorcycle)

Nate: I have an idea.

(they run to the motorcycle and follow Elena; Elena looks behind then takes a gun to try to shoot them. They dodge.)

Niana: We're going to die

Nate: Not with that attitude. Look, grab your gun and try to shoot one of her tires.

Niana: What if I miss?

Nate: Just do it!

(Niana takes out her gun and shoots one of the tires. Elena falls off her motorcycle.)

Elena: Shit!

(They get off the motorcycle)

Niana: You're now out-numbered elena. You can't escape.

Nate: And there's nowhere to run.

Elena: Oh really?

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