Part 10

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(Later at night in the movie theatre, Nate and Niana are sitting on a couch together.)

Niana: They're so many couples here.

Nate: Yeah it's a couples theatre.

Niana: Ugh I hate this.

Nate: Relax.

(The movie starts)

Niana: (gasp) Me Before you.

Nate: You like this movie?

Niana: I love it. The thought about a perky waitress girl and a paralyzed guy who's very depressing falling in love is....beautiful.

Nate: Uh okay.

(nate notices a man go upstairs)

Nate: That's our guy.

(Nate sees that Niana is glued to our screen.)

Nate: Nia focus.

Niana: Right sorry let's go.

(Nate and Niana follow him to the projector room. They stop and hide)

Nate(quietly): So what are we gonna do?

Niana(quietly): On my signal we aim at him.

James: Finally now I have to find this file.

Niana(mouthing): What file?

Nate(mouthing): I don't know?

(James's phone suddenly rings. He answers it and puts it on speaker )

James: Hello?

Elena(on the phone): Have you gotten it yet?

James: No Boss.

Elena(on the phone): Well then hurry up! The whole reason I'm paying you is to get the goddamn file!

James: Yes Elena.

Elena(on the phone): What did you say?

James: Yes Boss.

Elena(On the phone): Good now hurry up!

(she hangs up)

James: I hate her.

(Niana and.Nate secretly sneak up behind him and point a gun at him)

Nate: Hey buddy nice to see you.

(James quickly turns around and points the gun)

James: Who are you?

Nate: The real question is who are you?

James: That information is classified.

(Nate kicks him down and Niana points a gun at him)

Niana: Who are you?!

James: The name's James Oreno.

Niana: You work for Elena king don't you?

James: Yes ma'am.

(James looks at Nate in shock)

James: Wait aren't you-?

Nate: Don't change the topic so what file?!

James: I'll never talk!

Nate: Oh really?

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