Part 70

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(Suddenly there's another explosion and Niana and Nate both fall onto the floor. Nate helps Niana up)

Niana: (cough) What the hell?

(Ethan comes out of the smoke)

Nate: How are you alive!

Morgan: Is he made out of vibranium or something?

Ethan: Don't think you can get rid of me that easily because-

(Niana takes out a gun and shoots Ethan until he drops dead on the floor)

Niana: Finally.

(they both turn around)

Morgan: sooo?

Niana: If we say yes will we hear the end of it?

Love: Nope.

Niana: Then we aren't.

Oliver(sarcastically): oh haha.

Niana: But you also have something to say to Love?

Love: What that he likes me?

Nate: Woah what?

(Love walks to Oliver and he puts his arm around her)

Niana: As your best friend, how dare you not tell me.

Natasha: Okay let's talk about this inside. When we're back in S.H.I.E.L.D.

(They all leave and go to Nick's office)

Nate: Mom.

(Nate runs to hug his mom)

Nate: hey coop hey lila.

Lila: hey lil bro.

Cooper: hey.

(Nate walks to Niana)

Nick: I'm proud of you kids. You guys are the first kids to ever do an insane mission.

Niana: thanks. I'm still picking cinder from my hair.

Oliver: It looks the same anyway.

Niana: Shut up.

(Nate laughs at Niana. Lila looks at him and widens her eyes. And screams loudly)

Nate: Dang Lila what?

Lila: The two of you are dating!

Niana: How did you-?

Lila: I'm very good at reading people.

Niana: Impressive. And I won!

Lila: what?

Niana: Me and Nate made a bet on who will scream louder and I was right.

(Nate puts his arm around Niana)

Nate: I hope Ethan is actually dead .

Nick: He is. You guys did well. I'm very proud of the two of you for leading this team very well.

Nate: Thanks

Niana: Thanks fury.

Nick: Go clean up

(All the kids leave. A few days later, all the kids are in the SHIELD's meeting room. Niana walks to morgan)

Niana: Hey.

Morgan: Hey.

Niana: Look, I didn't get a chance to say i'm sorry yet.

Morgan: No don't-

Niana: Yes okay I'll admit I was jealous. But I shouldn't have been mean to you.

Morgan: It's okay really.

(They hug. Love goes in front of them)

Love: Yay are you two finally friends again?

Morgan: Uhuh

Niana: Yeah

Love: Let's talk about you and nate.

Niana: No (chuckles).

Love: Come on, the two of you are really cute. We all know that this is a long time coming.

Niana: Well but since you and Oliver are dating. We can do double dates (chuckles)

Morgan: Well actually-

(Billy goes up to Morgan)

Billy: Hey babe.

Morgan: Hey.

(Niana and Love gasps with shock)

Billy: Okay goodbye

(billy leaves)

Niana: You're dating Billy!

Morgan: Yeah

Love: Since when?

Morgan: A few days ago.

Love: Aww

Niana: Now we can do triple dates (chuckles)

(they all hug. Niana walks to Nate)

Nate: Hey.

Niana: Babe I did say some outrageous things to you and I'll admit it I was jealous but now I don't need to.

Nate: Yeah. You know you did a really good job leading this team.

Niana: So did you. Actually babe i was thinking we would reunite the avengers again?

Nate: What?

Niana: Yeah I mean it'll be our parents' dream and everyone was so good the last time. So what do you think?

Nate: This is gonna be fun.

(They both face everybody and Nate kisses Niana's head)

Nate: Hey guys come here.

(everyone walks up to them)

Niana: Do you know the phrase "avengers assemble"?

(Everyone looks confused then gasps and smile)

Avengers: Assemble AgainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang