Part 43

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(they drive and reach the gala. They go inside)

Morgan: Now this is a gala.

(Niana spots Ethan sitting in the bar.)

Niana: Found ethan.

Nate: What do we do?

Niana: Just be cool and I will work my charm (chuckles).

(niana walks towards ethan)

Nate: Uh oh that never goes well.

Niana: Hey.

Ethan: Hey you look great

Niana: Thanks.

(Niana sits down)

Ethan: Cherry for the lady.

Bartender: Got it.

(The bartender gets the drink and gives it to Niana)

Niana: Thanks. Alright Ethan cut to the chase, what do you actually want?

Ethan: What do you mean?

Niana: (chuckles) Ethan you don't just invite your archnemesis to a gala and asks her to be your date.

Ethan: Well my father did that with my mother.

Niana: What?

Ethan: My mother was a superhero and my dad was evil but they still got married and they had me and my sister.

(Nate sees them still talking)

Nate: Hurry up Nia.

Niana: Oh but that's why you invited me?

Ethan: Well also to get revenge.

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