Part 24

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Niana: We gotta go!

(nate looks down)

Nate: Do you trust me?

Niana: Yeah why?

Nate: Hold on.

Niana: Huh?

(Nate grabs Niana and puts the shield in front of them and jumps down the building.)

Niana: Ahh! Oh my god, oh my god! I'm not ready for this!

Nate: Just hold on!

Niana: no, no, no! Not gonna hold on not gonna hold on!

Nate: What?!

(They reach the ground and the shield blocks their fall)

Niana: (pants) What the hell was that!

Nate: We just jumped down a 40 floor storey building and we still made it out alive. Fit the puzzle.

Niana: I know!

(Elena shoots a gun at them)

Niana: But we're not safe yet!

(They both stand up)

Nate: We gotta go now!

(They go to the motorcycle and drive up to the S.H.I.E.L.D)

Nick: Hey, Niana and Nate do they like each other?

Natasha: I don't know but they're pretty close and i mean really close so i'm-

(nate and Niana barge in)

Niana We did it! We-did-it!

Steve: You did what and what happened to the two of you?

Niana: We jumped down a 40 storey building.

Steve: You did what? Where?

Niana: Never mind that I believe you are looking for this.

(Niana gives the drive to Fury)

Niana: What are the words again nate?

Nate: Hmm I don't know.

Niana: Oh yeah mission-

Nate & Niana: Accomplished!

Nick: How did you?

Nate: Magicians never reveal their secrets.

Nick: Well I am impressed but back to how you jumped off the building.

Nate: Oh yeah so I grabbed her and jumped down while holding her the whole time since someone was scared and used the shield as protection so we survived.

Steve: woah did you just say you held my daughter?

Nate: She held me.

Steve: Nia.

Niana: We jumped down a 40 storey building, you can't blame me.

Steve: Fair enough.

Clint: Were you followed?

Nate: I don't think so?

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