Part 60

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Nate: What?

Niana: You go easy on her then the rest. Why do you like her?!

Nate: i don't-

Niana: You know if you like her how bout you go and date her?! But the last time I tried to hook you up with someone that didn't work out. It just ended up with her calling me at 4am sobbing that her boyfriend (Nate's eyes widened in anger) broke up with her!

Nate: Okay now you've gone too far!

Niana: Hey I'm just trying to lift it up to your standards!

Nate: Morgan struggles okay she-

Niana: struggles how?!

Nate: She's worried because she doesn't have any weapons and powers and she feels weak. I'm just trying to go easy on her.

Niana: Exactly! You're going easy on her so she thinks she has it easy!

Nate: I'm not-!

Niana: Then what the hell is it?! What do you possibly want Nate?!

(Niana and Nate look at each other)

Niana: I didn't want to be in this stupid team anyway!

Nate: Then why did you?! Huh? If you hate it so much why'd you agree to join?!

Niana: An opportunity to show people I can lead. But you're right, why did I join?

(Niana goes back inside; Nate follows her too Niana takes her phone and grabs her bag)

Nate: Now where are you going?

Niana: Somewhere that I don't need to see or hear your presence!

(Niana grabs keys from the table near steve and natasha)

Niana: I'll take the motorcycle dad.

(Niana stops as she's about to leave and turns around)

Niana: You know what Nate you're right why did i agree to join this team. I quit.

Nate: Woah what.

Love: You're quitting? Niana you can't quit.

Oliver: Nia are you serious?

Niana: Sorry guys.

(Niana leaves)

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