Part 4

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(Clint looks on his email)

Clint: Whoops.

Nate: Okay no big deal, I'll join your school.

Niana: Actually you might need a cover name.

Nate: What? Why?

Niana: Just in case. But it's not really necessary.

Nate: Then I'm not gonna use it.

Niana: (chuckles) okay.

(The Next day, Nate and Niana arrive at school)

Clint: You two be careful.

Nate: Don't worry dad, we will.

(They enter the school)

Nate: This is your school?

Niana: Yeah what's wrong with it?

Nate: Nothing.

Niana: (chuckles) Remember to keep it low-key.

Nate: Okay but quick question?

Niana: Yeah?

Nate: What class am I in?

Niana: mine, Fury made sure that you are in all my classes.

Nate: Great.

(They enter the class)

Ms Cara: Good Morning Niana-Oh we have a new student?

Niana: Yes. Ms Cara please meet Nathaniel Barton.

Ms Cara: Hi, nice to meet you.

Nate: Same here.

Niana: He's my mom's friend's son.

Ms Cara: Well then you two can sit together.

Niana: Great.

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