Part 66

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(An hour later Luke and Loki enter the room)

Luke: I have arrived! Everybody can relax

Thor: Hi baby brother

Loki: Hi Thor

(Niana enters the room and walk near the others )

Niana: So i have some-

(Niana looks at Luke and then Love in shock)

Niana: Oh hell no!

Love: Sorry.

Luke: So which person is the leader of this group

(Everyone points at Niana)

Niana: Hi Luke

Luke: Nice to see you again. So any important information i should know about?

(Luke walks towards niana)

Niana: As if i tell you you're the enemy you're only helping us to break into Ethan's office that's it.

(Luke goes closer to Niana)

Luke: Don't you mean Frenemy?

Steve: Get away from my daughter right now.

Luke: No harm done.

(nate goes in front of her)

Nate: Get away from her unless you want a gunshot to your head.

(Luke steps away from Niana)

Luke: Got it.

(Love and Oliver smile at each other)

Niana: As I was saying I have some info from the thumb drive, I heard that Ethan has some sort of headquarters in the middle of the town so that's probably where he's gonna release the bots. And that's where he is. So how do we break in Luke?

Luke: Ethan has guards on the top and bottom level but the rest of the levels don't but Ethan would probably be on the top level so I would go by the roof but it'll be tricky.

Niana: Not for me. I'll do it but I may need a little help.

(niana looks at billy)

Billy: Wait, me?

Niana: You have telekinesis so you can throw me up to the roof.

Billy: Wait but I've never done anything that big before.

Niana: You can do it.

Billy: Alright.

Nate: Come on guys let's suit up.

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