Part 39

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(Niana goes back to the headquarters. In Nick's office she enters.)

Niana: Hey!

Nate: Hey why were you so long?

Niana: Guess what I just got invited to.

Nate: What?

Niana: A charity gala in hotel de la mont tonight.

Morgan: What no way.

Love: You're kidding! Who invited you?

Niana: Ethan.

Morgan: Dang girly maybe he likes you.

Love: For real.

Niana: And he said if he wanted to go he'd be my date.

Morgan/Love: What!

Nate: What?

Morgan: Omg we have to go.

Love: Yes!

Boys: No!

Girls: It's a gala.

Nate: He literally tried to kill you.

Ben: it might be a trap

Oliver: You never know.

Niana: You boys aren't that smart are you?

Nate: (scoffs) rude.

Niana: I know it's a trap. I mean like who invites your archnemesis to a gala and asks them to be your date. I'm not stupid.

Oliver: Okay one, that is offensive. And two are you sure?

Niana: yes so i'll call him because he gave me his number and-

Morgan: He gave you his number?!

Love: Aww!

Niana: (chuckles) you two are never gonna live this down are you?

Morgan: nope.

Love: Not a chance.

Niana: (scoffs) okay.

Natasha: you're not actually going are you?

Niana: We don't have a choice.

Steve: Hmm

Niana: Dad, chill.

Clint: I'm still not sure.

Niana: uncle clint.

Steve: It's dangerous.

Niana: It's for a mission.

Billy: But he only invited you.

Tommy: Yeah so how are we supposed to help you.

Niana: As I was saying, I'll call him and ask if you guys can come. He can't say no.

(Niana turns around and as she's about to leave nate calls her)

Nate: Rogers.

Niana: Yeah

(Niana turns around)

Nate: Are you sure this is gonna work?

Niana: He won't say no trust me.

Nate: Why does he like you?

Niana: Aw, are you jealous?

Nate: I'm not.

Niana: You sound jealous.

Nate: What i'm n-you- just call him.

Niana: But you are.

Avengers: Assemble AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora