Part 56

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(They go outside to see explosions and car crashes and citizens in danger)

Nate: holy crap.

Billy: dang what'd you do to make him mad Nate?

Nate: I don't know?

Morgan: Uh guys look!

(They see a kid about to get hurt by a mutant )

Nate: Oh no.

Niana: Shit!

(Niana runs to the kid)

Oliver: Nia!

(Niana hides the kid behind her and shoots the mutant and takes it spear and stabs it until it goes down)

Niana: You okay Kiddo?

(a lady comes running towards the kid)

Lady #1: My baby!

(the lady picks her kid up)

Niana: Go, go!

(The lady runs away. Niana runs back to the rest)

Niana: Okay Ethan's gone too far so here's what we're gonna do we'll split up into two teams. Love, Oliver, Ben you guys come with me. The rest of you go with Nate, I'll defeat this crap and you can go help the citizens ready? Let's go!

(They split and run two different ways)

Niana: Take out the mutant then hydra.

Oliver: got it.

(suddenly all the mutant surround them)

Ben: Shit.

Love: Take em out!

Niana: Yes mam!

(The mutant start attacking at them and they try to kill them; And they do it)

Niana: Well that was tough.

(They start running)

Oliver: Ethan has three people! We need to know who they are.

(Suddenly three people appear in front of them)

Niana: Shit.

Ben: Who are they?

Love: Luke!

Niana: You know this guy?

Love: That's my cousin!

Luke: Hey Cuz.

Niana: That's Loki's son?

Luke: Good looking right?

Niana: not at all.

Love: Stop hitting on my friend and why are you working with this Lunatic?

Luke: Ethan's my mentor and he's good at teaching me stuff.

Niana: Yeah. Good at teaching you stuff to be stupid.

Luke: Whatever.

Niana: Who's your little team?

Luke: This is Ultra Ultron's daughter.

Ultra: hey.

Luke: And Tiana Thanos's daughter.

Tiana: Hey.

Luke: So we gotta take u down and-

(Suddenly Niana throws Tiana a taser disk)

Niana: One down two to go.

Luke: Let's do this.

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