Part 41

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(A few minutes later they reach morgan's house and they go in her room)

Niana: This is your room?

Morgan: Yep

Love: It's so big

Morgan: You forgot i'm rich

love: Right.

(morgan opens her closet)

Morgan: Take your pick

Love: I'll take the black dress. It looks really nice.

Morgan: Alright go and take it. You can change in my bathroom

(Love takes the dress and goes to the bathroom to change)

Morgan: Your turn girl.

Niana: Hmm I don't know.

Morgan: Alright I'm seeing pastel colours for you and blue heels.

Niana: (chuckles) really?

Morgan:Wait what are your favourite colours

Niana: I don't know, I'm probably neutral.

(Love comes out all dressed up)

Love: What do you guys think?

Niana: You look so pretty!

Morgan: You look fa-boo, Boo!

Love: (chuckles) thanks. Now your turn Nia.

Morgan: Oh wait!

(Morgan takes out a white dress and black heels)

Morgan: Try this on, it'll look so good on you.

Niana: (chuckles) Okay.

(Niana takes the dress and heels and goes change.) 

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