Part 8

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Niana: So Kayla?

Nate: Really now?

Clint: Who's Kayla?

Nate: Snitch.

Niana: (chuckles) Kayla is my best friend who Nate likes and was talking to for 20 minutes.

Nate: what- you counted?

Niana: Yep.

Cooper: Dang my baby bro got rizz.

Nate: What? You caused this.

Niana: (chuckles) i'll go to the bathroom

(She leaves)

Cooper: Okay be honest do you actually like her or do you like Niana?

Nate: What?

Cooper: Come on dude, I see the way you look at Nia.

Nate: I don't know bro.

Steve: (clears throat) You know we're right here right?

Nate: Hello.

Natasha: Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure Nia likes you as well.

Nate: What-I. Okay, change topic please.

Clint: Come on, you can't hide it anymore.

Nate: Fine, I- Nia's sweet and she's nice but she-well i don't know.

(Niana enters)

Niana: Hey let's go.

Nate: Yep.

(they leave)

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