Part 18

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Laura: Nat i know that Nate agreed to do this but are you sure this hasn't gone too far?

Natasha: I know that there has been some troubles but they're good kids they wouldn't do anything bad and if they had any trouble they would call for backup.

Clint: Trust them Babe.

Laura: Okay I guess.

(Meanwhile Niana and Nate are sitting in her room as they clean themselves up)

Nate: Nia don't blame the explosion on yourself. I'm the one that fell for the trap.

Niana: Nate that girl is crazy she always knows where we are and this is an opportunity to prove that we are good teenage spies and that we can be independent.

Nate: Opportunities don't happen; but are created rogers.

(Niana smiles at nate and chuckles softly)

Niana: (chuckles softly) You're right, Barton.

Nate: I'm always right.

Niana: You said that with so much confidence

Nate: Well that's me.

(A few weeks later)

Niana: Hey you're all dressed up where you going?

Nate: Out.. with you so get dressed.

Niana: Huh?

Nate: I owe you a real date from the last one that was a uh mission.

Niana: (chuckles softly) Do I get any hints on where we're going?

Nate: Nope just get dressed

Niana: (chuckles softly) Okay.

(Niana goes and gets dressed)

Cooper: Ooh where are you taking her.

Nate: Not saying and she's been feeling bad about these missions failing so i thought i cheer her up

Lila: Aww

Nate: Shut up.

(Niana comes out all dressed)

Nate: Great let's go and you look great

Niana: Thanks btw how are we gonna go?

Nate: Well-

(Nate opens the door to show Niana a motorcycle)

Nate: We shall take a motorcycle.

Niana: Holy shit.

Nate: Bye guys.

Niana: Bye

Lila: Have fun.

(A few minute later they arrive at a spot)

Nate: we're here.

(they get off the motorcycle)

Niana: Omg look at this beautiful view!

Nate: Yeah and-

(Nate takes out a plastic bag from the compartment)

Nate: Bubble tea and McDonald's!

Niana: (gasp) Thank you.

Nate: come on

(They both sit down on the ground)

Niana: The view is really nice.

Nate: It is

(Nate looks at Niana and she looks back at him. They both smile.)

Avengers: Assemble AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora