Part 63

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(Niana zips her suit and jumps out of the helicopter; Everyone looks at she jumps in shocks)

Love: Holy shit!

Morgan: How is she not dead!

Oliver: Nia grew up in S.H.I.E.L.D so by now she's pretty badass (chuckles).

Maria: He's right! I've seen her in diapers!

(Niana lands on a pose when she reaches the helicarrier; she stands up)

Niana: ugh i think i need to crack my neck.

(everyone else comes on down with parachutes)

Tommy: How are you still alive?!

Niana: (chuckles) practice. Come on.

(they take off their parachutes and start walking. Nate and Niana walk side by side)

Niana: Since you broke up with kay maybe you can go for your next door neighbour what's her name? Uh Hayley!

Nate: Secure the office and then find me a date.

(Niana jumps down the railing)

Niana: I'm multitasking!

Morgan: Did she just?!

Nate: Yup.

Oliver: So are you two on good terms now since you guys are talking?

Nate: Nope.

(They continue and Niana appears in front a few guards)

Niana: Hey guys.

(They aim guns at her and they start fighting; They get knocked out. Meanwhile, the others split up and Nate and the others are fighting other guys. They get knocked out)

Nate: split up.

(They all go separate ways; Meanwhile Niana is fighting other guys and they get knocked down she takes out a flash drive from her pocket and looks at it she exhales and puts it back in her pocket and runs)

Nate(talks into the earpiece): Niana do you have the laptop?

(Nate gets no response)

Nate(talks into the earpiece): Niana?

(Suddenly a guy jumps in front of Nate and tries to hit him and Nate blocks it. They start fighting. Nate flips and kicks him. They fight and the guy kicks him to a room and Nate shoots him dead)

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