Part 22

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Niana: Natey nougat?

Nate: Don't ask.

Niana: Okay? Let's suit up I guess.

(A few hours later. They are inside the building and nate and Niana is hiding behind pillars)

Niana: Are you sure she's here?

Nate: Yeah she told me she will be here

(They hear a door open)

Niana: She's here.

Elena: Nate! Hello?

(Niana reloads her gun and nate holds the shield tight and they appear in front of her)

Elena: the hell?

Niana: Hi elena. Why? surprised that I'm here with your boyfriend? Sorry ex-boyfriend.

Elena: You brought her?

Nate: Yes I did?

Elena: (chuckles) You wanted to get the flash drive right.

Nate: We didn't know the flash drive was here until you told us that but thank you. Plus you're outnumbered.

Elena: Oh really.

(Ten guys surround them)

Niana: Shit.

Nate: You take care of the guys. I'll get the flash drive.

Niana: Oh this will be fun

(The guys run to them and they attack them. Nate beats up two guys and runs downstairs. Niana continues to fight them. And they all get knocked down.)

Niana: That was easy now for you.

Elena: Let's do this.

(they start shooting at each other. Niana hides behind the pillar)

Elena: Oh please don't be a wuss!

(Niana pants and runs to kick Elena hard. She grabs Elena and brings her to the roof. Meanwhile with Nate.)

Nate: Okay where's the file?

(Nate looks for it quickly. Then he finds it.)

Nate: Got it! But we need a password damn it what could it be? It's a number code and uh Elena's not that smart so probably-

(He types in the code)

Nate: 1-2-3-4-5

(The password is wrong)

Nate: What! No maybe uh?

(he types the same passcode but backwards.)

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