Part 15

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Nate: Who the hell are you and how do you know my name?

Distorted voice: that information is classified but you can call me King.

(Nate and Niana look at each other stunned)

Nate: Can I help you...King?

Distorted voice: You can in fact. Tonight at 6pm go to the abandoned headquarters on north street.

Nate: And if I don't?

Distorted voice: I'm gonna take away everything you love starting with your girl.

Nate: I don't have a daughter?

Distorted voice: Was i not clear?

Nate: No.

Distorted Voice: (sigh) I'm gonna take away everything you love starting with your little girlfriend.

(Niana's eyes widened)

Distorted Voice: I believe her name was Niana?

(Nate and Niana look shocked and look at the adults who are look worried)

Distorted voice: Or you know what, I'll only just murder your little girlfriend.

Nate: You-

Distorted voice: Then headquarters. See you.

(she hangs up)

Nate: Wait-

Niana: What does Elena have against me anyway?

Nate: Don't worry, I'll go tonight.

Niana: I'll go too

Steve: Woah woah you're not going.

Niana: No I am, Elena is crazy. If he goes out on his own he's dead. No offence.

Nate: Some taken.

Natasha: Okay you can go but please please please be careful.

Niana: Okay.

(Later at night they reach the headquarters.)

Nate: You ready?

Niana: Let's do this.

(Niana and nate take out their guns and nate takes out a shield)

Niana: Woah woah woah is that dad's shield?

Nate Yep he allowed me.

Niana: Okay? Anyway, let's do this.

(They go inside and see a lot of abandoned stuff )

Niana: This place is disgusting

Nate: Yeah it's an abandoned place (chuckles).

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