Part 14

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(Later in the night Nate comes out of the bathroom to see Niana hanging in her room and he knocks on her door)

Nate: Hey

Niana: Hey, come in.

(he enters and sits on her bed)

Nate: You okay?

Niana: Yeah I'm fine, why?

Nate: I'm really okay Nia. Besides, at least we got a lead.

Niana: (chuckles softly) yeah.

Nate: Okay what is it?

Niana: What do you mean?

Nate: Something's wrong and I see that there is so what it is?

Niana: I screwed up this mission. The first time it was fine now the second time. if i screw it up one more time I-

Nate: No you're not. I'm gonna help you not screw this up and I doubt you will screw it up.

Niana: Thanks Nate.

Nate: Good Night.

Niana: Night.

(Nate leaves and closes the door. The next morning)

Niana: Hey good morning.

Clint: Morning.

Laura: Morning sweetie.

Nate: Hey want some breakfast?

Niana: Yes please. (she sits down) Did you guys sleep well?

Laura: Yeah we did.

Nate: Here

(he hands her a bowl of cereal)

Niana: Thanks.

(Steve and Natasha enter)

Steve: morning.

Natasha: Morning.

Niana: Morning mom and dad.

Steve: Hey kiddo

(he kisses Niana's head)

Natasha: Hey honey.

(She kisses Niana's head too.)

Natasha: You guys sleep well?

Clint: Yeah thanks again for letting us sleep here.

Steve: No problem.

(A phone starts ringing)

Niana: Who's phone is that?

Nate: Mine.

(Nate takes his phone out of his pocket to see an unknown caller calling him)

Nate: It says unknown caller?

(Nate answers it and puts it on speaker)

Nate: Hello?

Kayla(on the phone): Hey Nate it's kayla.

(Niana looks surprised with a smile)

Nate: Hey what's up?

Kayla(on the phone): You like art, right?

Nate: Yeah I love art, why?

Kayla(on the phone): Well it's because I have two tickets to the graffiti museum if you wanna go?

Nate: That'll be amazing thanks.

Kayla: Alright it's on sunday can you make it?

Nate(on the phone): Yeah of course.

Kayla: Alright I'll see you then, bye.

(They hang up)

Niana: someone's got a da-ate. I believe I deserve a thank you?

Nate: Alright thanks.

Niana: (chuckles) you're welcome.

(Nate's phone rings again)

Laura: Oh wow she really likes you honey.

Niana: Answer it and put it on speaker again.

(He answers it and puts it on speaker)

Distorted voice: Hello Nate barton.

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