Part 30

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(They start fighting)

Nate: Niana is about to die!

Elena: my father already died! So I don't know what you're complaining about!

(Elena kicks Nate down; elena grabs her gun and aims it at Nate)

Elena: Time to die.

(Suddenly elena gets shot; nate is in shock as he turns around to see Niana with a gun)

Nate: Holy-

Niana: Correction, it's your turn to die.

(Niana drops the gun as Elena drops dead on the floor; Nate runs to Niana)

Nate: How did you-?

Niana: I just found it.

Nate: You're okay

Niana: Told you I'll be fine.

Nate: That was amazing.

(They hug)

Nate: Come on, let's go.

(Nate helps Niana walk and they go back; Meanwhile in S.H.I.E.L.D)

Natasha: Nia's not answering her cell.

Laura: Same as Nate.

Natasha: Steve what's happening?

Steve: I don't know but I'm sure they'll be back soon.

(Nate and Niana enter)

Nate: Hey.

Natasha: Oh my gosh are you guys okay?

Niana: Sorta.

(Steve and natasha, clint and Laura go up to hug nate and Niana)

Clint: I'm so glad you're okay.

Nate: Thanks dad.

Natasha: Oh honey, are you okay?

Niana: Yeah I- Ow!

(Natasha sees Niana's gunshot wounds)

Natasha: Oh my- Oh my god! What happened?

Steve: What?

Natasha: Look.

(Steve sees her wounds)

Steve: Holy.

Niana: I'm fine mom really.

Steve: (sigh) okay. Come on, let's get you guys cleaned up.

Nick: I'm proud of the two of you.

Nate: Thanks Fury.

Niana: Where's the drive?

Nick: Don't worry it's safe and secured thanks to the two of you. Will you guys maybe wanna do this again?

Niana: No! Sorry but never and I mean never again.

Natasha: (chuckles) okay come on.

(Natasha brings the kids outside to clean up; A few days later Clint is packing up the car to leave)

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