Part 48

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Nick: Guys.

Nate: yeah?

Nick: You're making the adults awkward

Nate: My bad.

(They leave the office)

Nate: You do know I'm not jealous right?

Niana: Neither am I.

(They go and suit up; an hour later Ethan goes to the alley to find no one)

Ethan: Niana? Niana?!

(Niana appears behind him)

Niana: Hey.

(He turns around)

Ethan: Well it isn't a trap.

Niana: I promised.

Ethan: Okay well you wanted to talk?

(Everyone else is listening in a surveillance mic)

Niana(in the mic): Yeah. You wanna kill me to get revenge for your sister and dad but why can't you do it?

Ethan(in the mic): Look, I've always been the best of the best in hydra even better than my sister-

Nate: Well that was definitely not a brag.

Ethan: But ever since my sister and dad died I wanted to get revenge on who did it.

Niana: I did it so why won't you just kill me?

Ethan: Because even though you killed my sister I know that Nate is the cause of all this going wrong.

Niana: Wait what?

Oliver: Nate what the hell did you do?

Nate: I didn't-

Niana(in the mic): What the hell did he do?

Ethan(in the mic): If he didn't break up with my sister none of this would've happened. And Nate if you're listening you're dead.

Nate: Shit he knows about the mic.

Niana: What do you mean (chuckles)?

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