Part 54

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(steve looks at his watch)

Steve: I hate that we gotta leave but we gotta leave.

Natasha: Yeah come on nia. Bye guys!

Niana: Bye.

Oliver: See you

Niana: Bye guys.

(Everyone says goodbye and they leave; A few days later the rogers arrive at S.H.I.E.L.D training room)

Steve: Hey guys!

Natasha: Hi

(Everyone says hi to them)

Niana: Hi guys.

(All the kids look at Niana in shock)

Niana: What?

Morgan: You look so pretty!

Niana: (chuckles) thanks.

Love: Are you wearing makeup?

Niana: Yeah just mascara and eyeliner.

Love/morgan: You look so pretty!

Niana: Okay i'm not a doll you know (chuckles) But Thanks so what are we doing here?

Nick: Training, that's what we're doing.

Niana: Wait but we already did.

Nick: Rogers, you haven't reached the best of the best yet.

Niana: (sigh) Fine, I'll just suit up.

Nick: Who said you're suiting up? Niana there are times when you need to fight in your everyday outfit. You can't always suit up.

Niana: (sigh) fine.

(Niana almost takes off her shoes)

Nick: Shoes too.

Niana: I'm wearing high heel boots.

Nick: So?

Niana: Ugh.

(Niana takes out her earrings and passes them to Natasha. She goes in the ring)

Nick: Alright Wilson, Banner in the ring.

(Oliver and Ben get in the ring.)

Nick: Alright ready?

Ben: Wait what if we get hurt?

Oliver: Yeah she's wearing heels, we're gonna get a puncture in our stomachs.

Nick: Well you just have to live with it. Look, being superheroes means you get knocked down but you have to get back up again. So go and Ben did forget you have super strength.

Ben: Oh yeah.

Nick: Ready-go!

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