Part 44

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(Niana turns to see the bartender pointing a gun at her)

Niana: Shit.

(Niana kicks Ethan in the stomach and grabs The bartenders gun and shoots him; Nate sees Niana fighting)

Nate: Uh oh

morgan: What?

(Morgan sees Niana fighting)

Morgan: Shit. Guys!

(Everyone else sees Niana fighting and more guys surround Niana)

Oliver: Oh god.

(Everyone goes and helps Niana)

Nate: What happened to the plan?!

Niana: Well it turned out he wanted revenge straight away so- change of plans!

Nate: Great!

(They continue fighting; Ethan tries to shoot Niana but she kicks the gun out of his hand and points it at him)

Ethan: I thought you liked me?

Niana: That was before you tried to kill me.

Ethan: Huh you do have skills.

Niana: (chuckles softly) Thanks but I'm still gonna shoot you.

(Niana shoots Ethan and he falls to the floor; Niana turns around to see all the guys knocked out)

Niana: Woah, I'm very um impressed.

Morgan: Thanks.

Nate: Come on let's go

(they're about to go and oliver sees Ethan standing up and about to shoot a gun)

Oliver: Gun!

(everyone blocks themselves; and Nate hides behind his shield and Niana hides behind it too but she already got shot)

Niana: Is this my dad's shield?

Nate: No, Fury made it for me.

Niana: Oh ok?

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