Part 68

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(The others are still fighting off the bots)

Oliver: Where is Nia? I'm this close to killing that girl!

Billy: Should I go up there and help her?

Nate: No, Nia's tough! She can do this right now we just need to stop these-

(Nate gets attacked by a bot and he shoots it)

Nate: Stupid bots!

(Niana continues to struggle to get out of the cuff)

Ethan: Stop squirming! You'll get out of here soon.

Niana: Are you letting me go off?

Ethan: Correction letting you blow up.

(Ethan takes out a different remote)

Niana: What the hell is that?

Ethan: This is a remote that sets off a bomb which will blow up this whole building with you in it.

Niana: No.

Ethan: Yes!

(Ethan turns on a bomb and leave)

Ethan: bye!

Niana: No! Ugh come on. Come on! No!

(Nate talks into her mic bracelet)

Nate: nia are you okay?

Niana: Nate. Ethan has me cuffed and there's a bomb in the building it's gonna blow up.

Nate: How long more till the bomb blows up?

Niana: Like 30 minutes.

Nate: I'm on my way. Nia's in trouble!

Oliver: What's going on?

Nate: She's cuffed and there's a bomb in the building. I need to help her. You guys stay here and shut off these bots!

Love: Got it. Go!

(Nate runs up to the building and helps Nia)

Nate: Nia!

Niana: nate.

(Nate runs to help Niana)

Nate: You okay?

Niana: Hm lets see uh i'm stuck to a magnetic cuff and there's a bomb that's about to blow so..No i'm not okay!

Nate: Bad timing.

Niana: Ya think?

Nate: alright let's get this off of you

(nate struggles to get off the cuff)

Nate: I can't get it off.

(Niana spots a screwdriver)

Niana: Grab the screwdriver.

(Nate takes the screwdriver and takes off the cuff)

Nate: Yes.

(Niana gets released from the cuff and they both run to escape but gets stop by ethan in front of them)

Ethan: Well well well. How cute the little boyfriend is saving his girlfriend.

Niana: Ugh.

Nate: Shut these bots down.

Ethan: It'll be hard without the remote.

Nate: Give it!

Ethan: I'll give you a remote for a trade.

Nate: What trade?

Ethan: The remote for revenge by killing you.

Niana: No way he's gonna-

Nate: I'll do it.

Niana: Yeah-wait what?

Nate: For the remote.

Niana: No you're not.

Nate: Trust me. Give me the remote first.

(Ethan throws Nate the remote and Nate shuts off the bots. The others look shocked)

Luke: They did it.

Ethan: Now time for revenge.

(Ethan points the gun at nate. Niana takes out a gun and shoots the gun out of ethan's hand)

Ethan: Argh!

(Niana takes the remote and destroys it)

Niana: You're outnumbered.

(Ethan takes out his rings)

Ethan: Let's do this.

(Niana ties up her hair and they start fighting. Nate gets kicked to the wall. Niana punches ethan and kicks him hard she goes for a hard punch but Ethan throws her out the window and she holds onto the ledge)

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