Part 65

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(the rest leave; In Nick's office they enter)

Nate: You owe me an explanation fury.

Clint: What's going on?

Niana: I would stay out of this one Uncle clint.

Nate: Why didn't you tell me Rogers had another mission?

Nick: I thought she would be fit for the mission.

Nate: You said no more double missions

Nick: I did but-

Nate: So why are the people I'm leading have other missions of their own?

Nick: I thought it would be better under your circumstances.

Niana: Wait what?

Nick: The two of you have been fighting non stop. We thought it would be better.

Nate: We?

Niana: Who the hell is 'we'?

Steve: We may have something to do with it.

(Niana and nate turn to natasha, steve and clint)

Nate: What why?

Clint: The two of you have been fighting a lot so-

Natasha: We thought it'd be better.

Niana: And how'd that turn out?

Natasha: Not so good.

Niana: See.

(Nick gets an alert)

Nick: We have trouble.

Nate: What?

Nick: Ethan's gonna release the bots soon.

Nate: Now?

Nick: Yep.

Nate: Perfect, I'm gonna go down there and kick his ass.

(Nate leaves but Morgan stops him)

Morgan: You can't just march down there like a one man army

(Nate turns around)

Nate: Yes I can, I've put up with his bullshit for too long.

Oliver: I'll help you.

(he walks up to nate)

Ben: same

Billy: Me too.

(All the boys walk up to nate)

Niana: Woah woah woah! You're serious? You're gonna get your asses kicked.

Oliver: No we won't

Love: You boys are helpless without us.

Ben: No we're not.

Niana: Sit your butts down right now!

(all the boys sit down)

Love: I think there's one person that can help us but you're not gonna like it.

Nate: Oh hell no.

(everyone looks at Nate)

Thor: No not him.

Avengers: Assemble AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora