Part 46

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(Love spots a photo of Nate and Niana together)

Love: Wait, is this you and Nate together?

(Everyone looks at the picture)

Ben: Oh yeah it is.

Niana: Aw yeah i forgot we took that on our last mission together.

Oliver: Y'all are cute.

Nate: Uh-well I um.

Niana: Uh-

Oliver: It's true.

Ben: So Nia, how long have you and Nate known each other?

Nate: Just two years ago but our parents have known each other for a long time.

Morgan: How'd they meet?

Niana: Nate's dad was sent by SHIELD to kill my mom because she was a Russian spy. But he didn't kill her and instead my mom became a part of the SHIELD too.

Morgan: Oh.

tommy: And Oliver how did you meet Niana and Nate

Oliver: When Steve and Natasha were on a mission my dad joined because my dad met Steve when he was running and they stayed in touch then here we are.

Love: Did you just say that your father met niana's father by running?

(Niana and Oliver nod)

Love: Um okay?

(Everyone laughs. The next day all the kids are in Nick's office)

Nate: Alright so Ethan is fast with girls and his feet. So we need to think like him but luckily i have a plan.

Niana: Let me guess it involves me?

Nate: Yep.

Niana: Ugh fine what do i need to do?

Nate: Call him.

Niana: Huh?

Nate: Yeah call him and say you wanna meet up and give a discreet location.

Niana: Ugh fine. Just try not to get jealous.

Nate(sarcastically): haha very funny.

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