Part 2

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 Emma waved at Matt as she passed him on her way to the stage to speak to Mayor Rudy Hopkins, Bonnie's father.

"Mayor!" Emma called out to grab his attention before he went on stage to end the yearly event.

"Miss...Peters," Mayor Rudy took a moment to put Emma's face to a name.

"Yes," Emma confirmed before getting down to what she wanted to ask him, "have you heard from Bonnie at all?"

"Your friend, Matt, asked me that earlier," Mayor Rudy sighed and looked slightly saddened, "you know, I haven't, but if you do, please tell her to call me."

Mayor Rudy rushed onto the stage before Emma could ask him anything else.

A familiar chill rushed Emma's body and her eyes started darting around looking for the cause. Just as her eyes landed on Silas she felt almost all of her power flow out of her, she fell to her knees, but managed to keep her senses about her. Silas made his way up to the stage.

"It is truly great to have an end-of-summer tradition. My daughter has her own end-of-summer tradition of over-indulging in the cotton candy. Now she's off traveling the world and sending her old man postcards from all her great adventures. Family is one of our core values in Mystic Falls. It's what this block party celebrates. Family as community-" the Mayor stopped as he noticed someone standing beside him, "Stefan?"

"Do you mind if I say a few words?" Silas asked, still parading as Stefan.

Mayor Rudy looked at him slightly confused, "Perhaps when we are done here."

"I'll take it from here Mayor," Silas smirked and waved his hand, as he did, Mayor Rudy seemed to go into a trance and stepped back from the microphone.

Emma attempted to scream out a warning but the sapping of her power made it impossible.

"You're probably wondering how I did that. Well, it's pretty basic mind control. But, until now, it's been fairly limited to one person at a time. But this summer, I have consumed an immeasurable amount of blood, and I've felt myself getting stronger and stronger every day. Not to mention my favorite little dessert to top it off. And I started to wonder, what are the limits to my powers? How many people can I influence? Two? Ten? An entire town square? Everyone stop talking..." the entire square went deafeningly silent, "well, that worked. Now let's try this, no one make a sound or move a muscle."

Silas moved to stand behind Mayor Rudy and pulled out a large knife. With one swift motion he sliced the mayor's throat, blood poured out of the wound like a water fall. Emma tried to scream but she still couldn't.

A sudden massive pulse of physic energy pulsed from somewhere in the crowd, it broke Silas's hold on Emma's power just enough for her to get up and take off running towards her motorcycle. She quickly kicked it into gear and sped off towards the boarding house. Other than the time that she had rushed to save her sister, she had never driven the bike so carelessly.

She let her bike drop in the dirt as she clambered off of it and ran into the house. Damon and Jeremy turned to look at her as soon as she slammed the door open.

"Em? What the hell happened?" Damon set his drink down and stepped towards Emma, grabbing her shoulders to help support her, she looked exhausted and scared.

Emma panted, completely out of breath from the exertion, "Silas, he-he...he killed Mayor Rudy. Right in front of everyone! He mind controlled the entire town! Damon, I've never seen anything like that before!"

Tears were freely flowing from Emma at this point, Damon had never seen her in such a panic before and it scared the hell out of him.

Emma continued, "I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything, he only let me have enough of my energy to watch."

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