Part 50

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Emma ran into the dorm room at Whitmore College almost in a panic. When Caroline had called them sobbing uncontrollably, Emma knew something was very wrong.

On the couch lay Stefan's body. Desiccated and dead, his heart ripped from his chest.

Emma's first thoughts went to Damon. She turned around to see the stunned look on his face turn to anguish, he took in a deep and angry breath.

"Bonnie has a plan, right? She- she said that she could bring people back," Caroline looked between Damon and Emma for an answer, "tell me that she can bring him back!"

"We will bring him back," Damon said, determined, "come on, let's get him away from prying eyes."

Damon picked up his brother and took him out of the room.

Emma sat next to the distraught Caroline, "What happened Care?"

"Julian," Caroline answered, "he was upset that his wife, Maria, had died. She was killed by Liv and Luke when they tried to kill Stefan and Elena. I tried to sneak behind him and snap his neck, but he caught me. Stefan rushed in and he- he-"

"Okay, okay," Emma comforted her friend.

"Is the spell broken now that Stefan is dead? Now that there is only one doppelgänger left?" Caroline asked.

"Broken, no. But I think the circle has stopped spreading," Emma sighed, "I have to go check on Damon."

Caroline nodded.

Emma stood up and began her search for Damon. She had a pretty good idea of how he was feeling at the moment. She remembered when she lost Katie. She was broken and looking for revenge. Although it was Stefan who took her sister from her, she had come to understand that whoever that person was, wasn't the real Stefan.

If her heart was aching, Damon's was probably about to be swallowed whole by a black hole, and there would be no coming back from that.

"Damon, stop!" Emma heard Bonnie scream out just before she heard something shatter.

Emma rushed forward to find Damon cornering Bonnie and threatening her with a metal pole.

"You said you had a plan Bonnie!" Damon pointed the pole at Bonnie and glared at her.

"I did," Bonnie explained, "I had a Traveler that knew the right spell."

"And you lost her!" Damon roared.

Bonnie shook her head, "I didn't lose her. She was sucked into oblivion like everyone else on the Other Side."

Damon took another step forward towards Bonnie, "Then find another one!"

"It's more than just knowing the spell. Markos was able to come back because dozens of Travelers were willing to sacrifice themselves in order to overwhelm me," Bonnie pointed out, "I doubt they'll be willing to do that for a bunch of supernatural strangers."

"You know who needs motivation? You do..." Damon started to close in on Bonnie.

Emma raised her hand and began to heat the metal pole in his hand. It reached a point where he could no longer hold onto it. His hand sizzled as it burned him and he had to drop it.

"Enough Damon," Emma put her hand back down to her side and softened her eyes as she looked at him, "that's enough."

Damon looked back at Emma briefly before turning back to Bonnie, "If the Other Side goes away, so does everyone we know that's over there, including you."

"Don't you think I know that? Do you think I want to die?" Bonnie yelled back.

"My brother is over there," Damon's stance turned solemn.

Wayward Hearts- Book 4जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें