Part 11

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Claire and Emma were sitting together at Jody's dining table, looking through the evidence and journals, trying to discover what they were dealing with.

"What if it's a shapeshifter," Claire said, almost excitedly.

Emma didn't bother to look up, Claire had been doing this back and forth for hours, "Then we have silver bullets. But we didn't find any signs of one."

It took another minute before Claire pipped back up, "Oh, it could be a werewolf."

Again, Emma didn't even bother to stop reading as she responded, "It wasn't a full moon last night."

"But didn't you find ones that were in charge of when they could change?" Claire tried to challenge.

"Yup," Emma replied unbothered, "and I know every single one of them personally. It's not a werewolf."

A minute later Claire pointed to something in the file she was reading, "A Rugaru!"

Emma made a buzzer noise, "Nope, Phelps wasn't eaten."

Claire huffed before guessing again, "A wraith?"

Emma turned the page without looking up, "Phelps still had a brain. Guessing isn't going to get you very far and it's going to get you killed if you guess wrong and bring a silver dagger to fight with but you really needed a wooden stake."

Clair stood up frustrated, "It's more than you are doing."

"What I'm doing, is looking over the evidence we've been shown and narrowing it down from there," Emma said unbothered by Claire's outburst.

"Then what the hell do you think it is?" Claire continued to yell.

"I think I've been with my boyfriend for too long because I'm considering knocking your ass down a peg or two," Emma muttered before she sighed and relented, "a ghoul maybe, or a vampire. But there is still a long list to check off."

"Ladies," Jody smiled as she entered with Sam and Dean, "we got the results back from the crime lab."

"Yeah?" Emma perked up at the idea of new evidence.

Dean nodded, "Asbestos."

"So our killer is fire retardant?" Claire raised her eyebrow in confusion.

Emma shrugged at sat back in her chair, "Well, looks like I won't be of much help."

Jody glared in her direction causing Emma to grimace at her mistake. She mouthed a 'sorry' to Jody at her slip up, luckily, Claire didn't catch on to the joke.

"Wheeler's alibi checked out," Sam sighed.

Jody shook her head, "His social security number didn't. It belongs to a Mimi Garcia, who died in 1988."

"And Wheeler started at Marshall a few months ago. When the disappearances started. The ones I said were supernatural in the first place?" Claire was more than happy to point out.

"Yes, we know. You keep reminding us," Jody clenched her jaw.

"So, we need to talk to Wheeler again," Sam said as he motioned for Emma to follow him.

"Okay," Jody nodded, "I'm gonna run his ID photo through the database."

Claire stood up, excited, "I'll come with you. I have a fed suit, I can be your new agent trainee."

Emma smirked before muttering, "I kinda want to see this play out."

Jody glared at her again and Emma put her hands up as if Jody was aiming a gun at her, Jody turned her attention back on Claire, "Hold on there, Quantico! You and I are leaving in a half an hour, the registrar, remember?"

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