Part 28

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 Bonnie followed the witch into a back room to corner her and prepared to force her to help.

"Hey," Bonnie tried to sound friendly.

The witch was instantly on guard, "This room is off limits."

"Look, under normal circumstances, I'd probably try to warm up to you, be your friend, or something," Bonnie tried to reason with her, "but I'm kind of under a time crunch, and I need your help Liv."

"Am I supposed to know you?" Liv asked sarcastically.

"We're in sociology together. I'm Bonnie. My grams, Sheila Bennett, use to teach here, occult studies."

"Never heard of it, or"

"I know you're a witch. I saw you twirling that pen this morning without touching it."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You don't have to be scared, I used to be a witch too."

", go try the campus coven or something," Liv was refusing to have any part of the conversation and she started backing out of the room.

Bonnie grabbed her arm, "I really need your help."

"Even if I wanted to help, I couldn't. I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm just some freak okay?" Liv pulled her arm back and started walking out of the room, "Now just leave me alone."

Caroline and Emma appeared in the doorway, blocking her only way to escape. Caroline bared her fangs while Emma smiled menacingly.

Liv backed up scared, "Oh my god! What the hell are you?"

Emma shrugged, "Just a couple of friends looking out for each other."

Caroline retracted her fangs and looked down at Liv, "You're going to help my friend. Do I need to say it slower?"

Bonnie pulled out a large map and set it on the wooden table in the center of the room. Caroline pushed Liv towards it.

"Okay...vampires are real, that makes sense. Wait, that doesn't make any sense," Liv tried to wrap her head around the new information.

"Just try to concentrate," Bonnie coached her, "forget about the vampires. Focus on tapping into your power, listen to the sound of your heart beating, the sound of your lungs filling with air."

Damon sauntered into the room, "How long is this going to take?"

"She is a fresh witch with no experience," Emma rolled her eyes at him, "Wes is a creepy scientist who wants to stay close to his test subject. Chill out. He isn't going far."

Damon glared at Emma. She noticed it wasn't as menacing as she had seen before, almost like he was putting on an act. He turned away from her as soon as he noticed she was studying his expression.

"You're gonna need this," he tossed a towel covered in We's blood to Bonnie.

Bonnie turned back to the spell to help Liv.
"Repeat after me," Bonnie led Liv through a deep breath before reciting the simple spell, "Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem."

"Wait...what?" Liv looked at her like she was crazed.

"Just relax," Bonnie tried to calm her nerves.

Emma continued to watch as Bonnie worked to teach Liv the spell.

"I can't do this!" Liv was becoming frustrated.

"Just concentrate, and try again," Bonnie smiled at her, hopeful.

"No!" Liv continued panicking, "I can't do this! Don't you get it? I've done horrible things. I've set buildings on fire, I've hurt people. I can't control any of it!"

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